For Wednesday 10/1:
1) Finish Reading A&P by John Updike
2) Write a journal entry using either the Marxist or Feminist Lens
3) Be prepared for a quiz
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sophomores: Test on Wednesday 10/1

This is just a reminder that there will be a test the Wednesday. The test will be on everything that we have done with plot structure so far this year.
For the test, you should be able to do the following:
1) Identify the parts of the "class plot structure diagram" (see picture above)
2) Complete the "plot structure analysis" worksheet (the one we have been using in class) on a story that you have never read before.
3) Answer questions about the three stories we have read thus far (Contents of a Dead Man's Pockets, The Leap, and The Pedestrian)
If you would like to sign a book out to re-read the stories, you may do so in class on Tuesday. If not, you should study the plot structure worksheets that I have handed back to you.
If you have any questions about the test, please post them here on my blog.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Seniors: The Yellow Wallpaper
Fr class on Tuesday 9/23:
- Finish reading The Yellow Wallpaper (click on link for full-text).
- Complete a journal, either based on our class discussions or based on your own reading.
- Be prepared for a reading quiz!
Please also keep in mind that 1/2 of your reading circle book is due on Thursday, 9/25.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Seniors: James Joyce Test 9/19
Just a friendly reminder that you will be having a test on James Joyce's Dubliners this Friday. Please study the PowerPoint notes (you can find them on this blog), and be ready to write an essay dealing with paralysis found in Dubliners.
There will be a review session during activity period on Friday in room 159 and you must have a pass (written by me) to attend.
James Joyce,
Literary Studies
Seniors: Journal Entry Due for 9/17
After reflecting on our discussions of Counterparts, Araby and A Painful Case, you should be able to piece ideas together that attempt to say the "author's intent" of these works. In your journal, please answer the following question:
In what ways is Joyce's characterization of the citizens of Dublin apparent through the 3 stories we have read?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
James Joyce,
Literary Studies
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Seniors: Reading Circles
Please remember that 1/2 of your reading circle book is due Thursday, September 25th. On that day, you will have a quiz specific to your novel and then I will lead a discussion with each group.
If you have yet to obtain the book that you and your group chose, please do so ASAP. I just picked up 3 brand new copies of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and 1 copy of The Time Traveler's Wife. If you would like to borrow one of these copies, just be one of the first three people to post a comment saying you would like one.
Literary Studies,
Reading Circles
Problems with Family Access?
I have heard from some students that their parents are having problems with the Family Access portal in Skyward. Here are some helpful links that should answer your questions:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Login Trouble?
System Requirements
Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will try my best to answer them.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Login Trouble?
System Requirements
Please let me know if you have any other questions and I will try my best to answer them.
General 10,
Literary Studies
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Seniors: Assignments for 9/11 and 9/12
For Thursday, September 10th: Please write a journal entry responding to some aspect of Joyce's short story Counterparts. For the time being, the only criteria for this journal entry is that is must make at least one claim about the text, with at least one quote to support your claim.
If you are having trouble thinking of a claim to make, please review your notes from today's lesson and re-read the handout that was given to you.
Feel free to post comments and/or questions.
For Friday, September 12th:
Read Joyce's short story Araby, located on page 828 of your textbook (or you can use the link on the post below). Be prepared for a quiz that is similar to the one you took on 9/10. Even though this story is shorter than Counterparts, it requires more in-depth reading. You may even want to read it several times in order to be prepared for the quiz.
Literary Studies
Sophomores: 5-Paragraph Writing Due 9/11
As the title indicates, your 5-Paragraph writing assignment (that we wrote last week in the library) is due on Thursday, September 11th. Please have the paper printed out and ready to turn in at the beginning of class. Remember to use size 12, Times New Roman font and double space the final copy.
If you have the rough draft that I made comments on, please include it with the final copy. If you have any questions, please feel free to either email me or post a comment on the blog.
If you have the rough draft that I made comments on, please include it with the final copy. If you have any questions, please feel free to either email me or post a comment on the blog.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Online text of Dubliners
If you chose not to bring your textbook home this evening, you can still do the homework! I found a link to the full-text of Dubliners on the Project Gutenberg site. Since it contains the entire collection of short stories, just scroll down until you find Counterparts. Happy Reading!
Project Gutenberg: Dubliners
Project Gutenberg: Dubliners
James Joyce,
Literary Studies
James Joyce PowerPoint
Here is the PowerPoint presentation that was given in class on Tuesday, September 9th. You will be responsible for all of the information in the presentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
James Joyce,
Literary Studies
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Seniors: College Essay Due Monday September 8th
As the title of this post indicates, your college essay is due Monday September 8th. In addition to helping you in the library during our second work day, feel free to share your document with me on Google Documents. I can read your essay and give you advice before you hand it in.
If you do not have my email address, it is
Please post any questions that you may have.
Mr. Cullen
College Essays,
Literary Studies
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