Monday, December 29, 2008

We Might NOT be Watching the Watchmen!

While this post is geared more for the comic book club, I thought that it was worth posting on my classroom blog. It seems that the release date for The Watchmen might be up in the air (as we discussed before). 

here is an article on the legal troubles between Warner Bros. and Fox. 

I hope everyone is having a great break!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Reading Circle Books- due 12/22


Due to the poetry project that is due on 12/15, the complete reading circle book is now due 12/22. I mentioned this in class, but it seems that some people did not write it down. 

If you know that you will not be in school on 12/22 (due to Holiday things), please come to room 159 during activity period to show me your journal and take the full-book quiz. 

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Research Paper Grades

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to parents and students that think that their research paper is "missing". Since I am grading papers and adding the grades to Skyward as I go, if the paper has yet to be graded it has been marked as missing. If a paper is truly not turned in, the grade will be a "0" on Skyward. These apologies go out especially to Nick Leghart, who was unable to see a horrible movie at a very late hour because his parents thought that his research paper was never turned in.
I have posted some of the grades for the research papers. I know that this has been a long time coming, but reading over 100 six-page research papers is taking longer than I anticipated. My goal is to have all of the papers back to you by 12/23.

If you have questions about your grade, please speak with me during activity period or after class. I have no problem sitting down with you to explain why you received the score that you did. If in Skyward it says "Redo- Did not meet requirements" you need to see me ASAP in order to find out why you are being asked to complete the assignment again.

Mr. Cullen

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Seniors: Poetry Assignment

If you missed class on 12/9 or 12/10, you must have the following assignment completed for 12/12. All of the readings are in your textbook, but they are also on the handout that I gave you.

Read: Writing About Poems (114,115)
Read: What Work Is (117) and Singapore (118)

Write: An analysis of one of the poems looking through a Marxist Lens.

The writing must be completed on a seperate piece of paper. Before writing your poetry analysis, you may want to refer to the following website: Writing about Poetry.

Poetry Presentations

As the culminating assessement for our poetry unit, I have created the following project. If you have any questions about the requirements, please feel free to speak with me.

Presenting Poetry