Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seniors: Reading Circles

Please remember that 1/2 of your reading circle book is due Thursday, September 25th. On that day, you will have a quiz specific to your novel and then I will lead a discussion with each group.  

If you have yet to obtain the book that you and your group chose, please do so ASAP. I just picked up 3 brand new copies of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and 1 copy of The Time Traveler's Wife. If you would like to borrow one of these copies, just be one of the first three people to post a comment saying you would like one. 


Anonymous said...

hey i have a copy of Incredibly Close as well if anyone wants to borrow it, just text me if you have my number. You da man, Cullen.


Mr. Cullen said...


It is very kind of you to offer a book to your classmates. Thank you for your generosity.

Mr. Cullen

Anonymous said...

Hey mr. cullen, it's Marissa from your period six class. I just wanted to let you know that I'm waiting for you to check my college essay to turn in my college application.

Unknown said...

Hey Mr. Cullen can I borrow one of your copies?

Unknown said...

Hey Mr. Cullen may I borrow one of your extremley loud incredibly close copies?