First and foremost, I would like to apologize to parents and students that think that their research paper is "missing". Since I am grading papers and adding the grades to Skyward as I go, if the paper has yet to be graded it has been marked as missing. If a paper is truly not turned in, the grade will be a "0" on Skyward. These apologies go out especially to Nick Leghart, who was unable to see a horrible movie at a very late hour because his parents thought that his research paper was never turned in.
I have posted some of the grades for the research papers. I know that this has been a long time coming, but reading over 100 six-page research papers is taking longer than I anticipated. My goal is to have all of the papers back to you by 12/23.
If you have questions about your grade, please speak with me during activity period or after class. I have no problem sitting down with you to explain why you received the score that you did. If in Skyward it says "Redo- Did not meet requirements" you need to see me ASAP in order to find out why you are being asked to complete the assignment again.
Mr. Cullen
Mr. Cullen, i have two quick questions one pertaining to the other. First, are our reading circle books due THIS monday or next? It doesnt matter much to me which it is since i have already completed the book. But no matter when it is, is the journal entry for it also due this/next monday? thanks, Jeff Schleicher
mr cullen, I have two questions. First, are our reading circle books due tomorrow and if so then is our journal entry for it due as well? Thanks, Jeff Schleicher
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