Sunday, April 19, 2009



As period 6 & 7 begin Hamlet, period 3 & 5 are preparing for the culminating assessment for our unit on Shakespeare and Hamlet

On Tuesday I will update the blog to be more specific for period 6 & 7 in regards to Hamlet. If you are looking for the study guides, you can find them in in the post relating to period 3 & 5. 

For periods 3 & 5: Your Hamlet test is Tuesday, April 21st. If you have any questions about the play or the test, feel free to post them here. 

Good luck!!

1 comment:

Leviticus and period uno students said...

Look Mr. Cullen I know we aren't the best class you have, but please pay us the DUE respect of making cool litle pages for us on the blogspot