Invictus is getting a lot of press-- I hope to see it sometime this week.
I am not sure about Avatar. I just hope the story is as good as the special effects look.
E-Readers are all the rage this holiday season. Are they worth it?
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I think that any movie Morgan Freeman is in will be really great. He is basicly awesome. Like the article said, the smallest role he plays he makes a great impression. I think that the movie looks pretty good. I watched the trailer on youtube and it seems like it will be pretty moving. I think that he is a terrific actor and he will make it a really meaningful story.
I absolutely disagree with Owen Gleiberman (the writer of the Morgan Freeman article). I'm not likin his view on Morgan Freeman. He basicaly states that Freeman has not had a good film that suited him in a while. Has this guy seen The Bucket List.
The Bucket List is one of my favorite Morgan Freeman movies (along with The Shawshank Redemption). The role he played in Bucket List was 100% Freeman and I think it is perfect for him. No one could have pulled off the poor car repairman dieing of lung cancer better than Morgan.
The article about Morgan Freeman is true in the aspect that he has played in many movies but he has not played a character that he has played that fits him. He has played in many famous movies and he is a famous person. He played in Bruce Almighty and he was a janitor slash the god that Bruce went to for help.
He was a very good person for that role but his other movies he doenst get into the roles he should. Morgan is getting older but i believe he will continue to make movies and I hope he gets into parts that fit him more so he can have fun with it.
I absolutely disagree with Owen Gleiberman (the writer of the Morgan Freeman article). I'm not likin his view on Morgan Freeman. He basicaly states that Freeman has not had a good film that suited him in a while. Has this guy seen The Bucket List.
The Bucket List is one of my favorite Morgan Freeman movies (along with The Shawshank Redemption). The role he played in Bucket List was 100% Freeman and I think it is perfect for him. No one could have pulled off the poor car repairman dieing of lung cancer better than Morgan.
Avitar looks awesome. James Cameron directed many great movies such as Terminator 1 and 2, Aliens, and was awarded best director for Titanic in 1997. Avitar brings him to new challenges because most of the movie will be very intense special effects and animation.
I think that James will do a great jobn on this film. He nailed the first 2 terminators and obviously Titanic as well. He seems like he wants to be the king of the movie world yet again. With Avitar, I think this is quite possible. This is Camerons first film since titanic. So all the crittics will be very excited as well as him.
Morgan Freeman. He is an amazing actor and the article describes him well except for the fact that the writer is absolutely obsessed with that man. I like his roles in the dark knight and in bruce almighty but in march of the penguins, its kind of boring, but his voice is soothing.
Invictus looks like a good movie and will be a huge insperation to alot of people. I would probably go see it if the movie i wanted to see was sold out when i got there, not insulting it, its just not on the top of my list.
The article that i chose was on all the rage this holiday season. On the first thing about the digital book that the price ranges I don't think I would like that because I really don't like to read and if I would have to pay for that it would suck.The two week battery on the other hand is pretty good i wish my phone would get that long.
Theres a good amount of these things sold which is really good. If you think about it with them selling for at least 200 and they sold over 20,000 of them thats about 400,000 dollars they made. I think if you had to buy a gift and unless they love books this would be a big waste of money.
I like Morgan Freeman, and I think he plays his roles in movies really well. My favorite movie by him is The Bucket List, although it's really sad. My favorite thing about him, is that he always seems to play the same charcters. Every charcter he plays always has the same personality and qualities as the last. Not many actors and actresses can do that.
I can't believe he's already 50 years old, and has been in so many movies. Not only does he act in movies, but also narrates them like in March of the Penguins.
I think the new movie "Invictus" will be a very good movie. Especially sense it is a true story. I think Matt Damon is a great actor and will be very good in this movie. Morgan Freeman is also a great actor and no matter what movie he is in it turns out to be a great movie.
Morgan Freeman was also in the movie "Bucket List". I think he was great in that movie. I think the two actors Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman will make this a Grammy winning movie.
I think the movie Invictus will be a good movie. I remember hearing about this historical moment in my Government class last year. Morgan Freeman is a graet actor, his best movies in my opionion would be The Shawshank Redemption and The Bucket List. I would have to agree with the article when it says " In virtually every one of those roles, he is more or less the same. The slightly rascally but deeply moral dominion of his presence clearly derives from something deep inside him, a wellspring of character that he brings to every film. It’s always welcome (he makes every movie better)".
Morgan Freeman has not played any major roles in his previous movies and I think that this movie is something that he can make extremely accurate and an award winning film.
Avatar surley has been hyped alot. I mean everywhere you go there is something about it. I was in the movie theater going to go see 2012 (wich was crap) and there was a hudge cardbord cut out of the blue alien guy. The faxt that the movie is filmed the way it is and digitally advanced than most movies is one thing that may be behind all the hype though.
It has to bring in A LOT of money just to pay for production costs, Plus i don't think it will make as much as the titanic did. All this needs to be thought about. And I bet that the director is praying its a big hit, I personally am a bit shakey on going to see it, it might not be worth my money, Like astro boy. Although the graphics look absolutely stunning I wouldnt bet that this movie will make him "king of the world" again.
When I first heard about The Kindle I thought that it was a waste of money. I didn’t see anything special about it and how this would help make your book buying life easier. I thought the point of buying books was being able to keep it and read it whenever you want. The Nook which is Barnes and Noble’s version allows you to “loan” a book for two weeks.
I understand that this is a greener approach for readers to keep their bookshelves less cluttered, but I don’t think that this gadget will go far. I think it’s a trend that will never grow because it serves no purpose in my opinion. Apple will make their version this February which will probably make this new trend even bigger since Apple is so advanced with technology.
The E-Reader needs to be improved. The E-Reader looks cool but the thing is to expencive. The books that you download for it cost as much as in the store. You might as well save the $500 and buy that much in real books.
This day and age nobody reads books. They should rethink the hole idea. I tested on in Target to see how it was and to be honest it was bad. It took about five minuts to turn on the screen is very dull in color. I would hate reading on this. They should make the screen bigger and colorful. This thing for its price books should be alot cheaper. It should be able to read comics as well not just books.
James Cameron has been hidden in the darkness for about the past decade. Ever since the TItanic came out he has been taking a break from his writing. I dont understand why though. In my opinion, he should have been writing or atleast thinking about other movies. The Titanic was such a big hit. Its only the number one movie ever.
I am happy to see that he is producing another movie. Avatar in my opinion looks awesome. The special effects in this film like stunning. But like you said, i hope the story is good too. When i saw the trailor for the first time in theaters i got the chills. This was a great sign for me. It comes from the makers of True Lies and the Terminator. I have a feeling this movie is going to be B@D @$$!!!
James Cameron has been hidden in the darkness for about the past decade. Ever since the TItanic came out he has been taking a break from his writing. I dont understand why though. In my opinion, he should have been writing or atleast thinking about other movies. The Titanic was such a big hit. Its only the number one movie ever.
I am happy to see that he is producing another movie. Avatar in my opinion looks awesome. The special effects in this film like stunning. But like you said, i hope the story is good too. When i saw the trailor for the first time in theaters i got the chills. This was a great sign for me. It comes from the makers of True Lies and the Terminator. I have a feeling this movie is going to be B@D @$$!!!
the article on Morgon Freemen was horrible. They left out most of his good movies. I have no sean the trailers for the new movie he is in but if hes in it then it will most likely be good. Even March of the Penguins was good because he was narrateing it. He makes the VISA ADS GOOD BECAUSE ITS HIS VOICE IN IT> mabey I"M MAKEING TOO BIG OF A DEAL ABOUT HIM BUT i think he is one of the best actors ever.
Now that avitar has been out i have had time to seen it. And i think the movie was amaizing. Although i did not see it in 3-D i was able to watch it regualrly. I belive that movie is going to bring new things out into the movie career. starting with more 3-D realistic movies and more attempets to remodernize the was the current movies are made. From greenscreens to 3-D vision to the graphics and all.
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