Love Glee? See them live!
Robin Hood is getting some good press-- like this article here.
There hasn't been much press about the Tennessee floods. Here is an article about the Grand Ole Opry
Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
I understand why "Glee" has a musical out visiting cities because it is extremely popular, but honestly I do not understand why this is. It is just like "High School Musical". I personally can't stand the show. This show is not realistic at all, high school is nothing like what real high school is like. To me this show is just like one big headache.
Robin Hood looks like a good movie but is their really anything that separates it from any other movie. It just looks like an average action movie. Although Russell Crowe has been in many quality movies with a similar feeling to this one. Robin Hood looks like a good movie, however I will probably just wait till the movie comes out On Demand.
Russel crowe is the man. I can not wait for robin hood and to go see it. I believe all his movies are exciting and jam packed with action. Even if he is an raging alcoholic he's still a great actor.
Robin hood is a great story. I was a fan of robin hood men in tights which is a comedy made in the 90s. I thought that movie is hilourious and iom def gonna go see it.
Personally i do not like the show GLEE. I think that it is High School Musical in show form. However i do like the GLEE cast versions of popular songs.
I have several GLEE songs on my ipod. I would not pay $75 dollars to go see them sing, i dont like them that much. I think that the GLEE cast will have a great future in music, and musical theatre.
I think it's terrible that SO many people have been suffering from the Tennessee flooding! Not only has it hurt the country music stars, but it has hurt the entire inhabitants of the city. It's also very upsetting that so many artifacts and valuables were ruined.
It's really sad that so many years and memories were literally "washed away." The one good thing from this...it has really brought all of the country music stars together to help not only each other, but to help the surrounding community. So in reality, this is both a good and bad situation.
I think the new Robin Hood will be very interesting. I am a fan of Robin Hood stories and seeing how he became a freedom fighter will be even more entertaining. It's alot like "Batman Begins" in this respect, which I enjoyed watching that as well.
This movie looks like it'll do very well. Russell Crowe looks like a good Robin Hood as well. I think many action fans will like this. I know I can't wait to see this.
Glee I guess is able to have a musical out visiting cities in the US because its a very popular show. I personally don't watch the show because I don't feel it resembles what high school life is really like. Just like the other popular show, High School Musical, the kids look like there twenty years old.
Students don't go around breaking into song every time something comes up in the halls. Its not a real depiction about teenage life. Glee has very unusual characters of all "shapes and sizes". Although it may be entertaining to watch, it should not be confused with reality. If more of this goes on than I might have to throw a slushy in the directors face.
I would love to see the robin hood movie! i never really was into robin ood growing up but i think this movie will be a hit. ALtough i never seen the robin hood i love the men in tights!
We all know i love Glee but i dont think i would wanna see it on tour. There are manytimes highschool musical got on my nerves by seeing it preformed live. I dont think they should go on tour i think they should leave well enough alone.
Robin hood looks real good. Most of Russell crowes movies are real good. Robin hood is a great story that they've made many of times but I think this prequel will be the best.
I'm excited to go see this movie and hopefully it isn't a rip off. I think the dark grim background of robin hood is going to be awesome before because it's never been depicted like this.
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