Final Episode of LOST is tonight!
- Each of you are to "comment" on this post one article (similar to the other articles that I have posted all semester) and a two paragraph response to the article. This will be due Tuesday at the start of class and is worth 25 points.
- I will post the four articles that I liked the best, and you will be responsible for writing a another two paragraph response on an article that is not your own. This will be due Wednesday by the start of class and is worth 15 points.
- You will have the final current events quiz of the year on Wednesday-- and as usual, it is worth 20 points.
Mr. Troutman-
I agree with some of your points. While I do enjoy 3D, I am not sure I am ready to have it in my living room. I am also quite happy with my HD television-- do I need to spend another few thousand dollars on 3D?
Only time will tell how successful it will be-- and I am not going to get too excited until the price comes down and it is a proven technology.
I was just watching espn and they were talking about a 13 year old kid who climbed mount everest. So I read more about it. I think this is one of the craziest things I've ever heard because grown men have died on everest.
I think this will now challenge people to try to get in shape to climb everest if a thirteen year old boy can do it, this may have some good and bad as in people reaching their life goals but also resulting in death.
I think that Brittany Murphys death was a surprising tragedity. I loved her movies and idolized her as an actress. I do not believe she had OD on meds i do believe it was just a horrible accurance.
When i read this article i was stun to fing out he died the same way. I believe in soulmates and maybe his heart attack was from a broken heart.
I think that google has the potential to take over the internet. Google is the most used search engine, and it has already taken over a popular video site, YouTube. They could seriously take over more and more website.
It would be really cool if our favorite tv shows were on YouTube, but they aren't, because its that stations property. And i understand that. YouTube would make alot of money off of the TV shows from Viacom, but i don't think Viacom will sell. And i don't think it should. Its their product, they should market it and sell it themselves.
I do not believe that these guys really meant any wrong doing when they slipped onto Heinz Field. They said they were just stupid guys doing stupid things. Home Land Security caught them sneaking under the gates. A wedding they attended took place there and they were unable to go on the field, so they did just to take a picture.
The crazy thing is that there like Arabian! This is not to offend anyone, but that's just weird. With all the commotion about terrorists and stuff, what are the odds. But after doing some research and also watching the new, I really think they weren't even thinking and just wanted a lousy picture.
I think what the teach let the kids do is crazy. She should be fired the students took it way to far. She had to know a little more then you think. They wouldnt of just walked in with the kkk outfit on. I hope those kids get beat uo because thats what they desereve.
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