Green Day on Broadway? American Idiot has a new format.
I am Number Four will have some ties to the area. Check it out here and here (be sure to read BOTH articles!)
Maybe it is just my paternal instincts kicking in, but this documentary looks to be interesting. Here is a link to the trailer.
"I Am Number Four" looks like a movie that at I might see just because the movie is taking place in a high school in the local area. Like one of the interviewed students said, it's cool becaise when you watch the movie, the setting will be more relatable because you could say, "Wow I recognize those places!" This movie will have a very large fan base in this area because of the movie's settings.
However "Babies" is not a movie I would ever imagine seeing. This is because watching the movie trailer, I do not quite understand what the purpose of the movie is. The movie shows babies for a duration of one year. Although babies can be cute I would not want to sit their and watch them for a movie length of time. This would just be a kind of weird movie to go see. It may not be a bad movie, but it is not one that I would go see.
I liked green day when I was younger but whenever they made American idiot I started hating them just because there songs were on every five seconds. So how anyone could possibly wanna see them on broadway is ridiculous.
Green day is terrible and I'm sure the broadway show is too. I would never go see this and whoever would should be slapped in the face.
Hey everyone!! Hope you had a great weekend! Yes let's keep the test on tuesdays I like it. Anyways, I like greenday but I think american idoit was aright. I think there old stuff is a lot better
Hey again! Greenday on broadway? Ahh I don't about this one. To me its pretty much just another concert buti really can't see them performing in broadway.
A movie about babies?! Now this is definitely something I never thought would happen! Yes they may be cute but how many people are actually going to go see this movie other than young women and teenage girls?! To me, thiS is just proof that this world is running out of movie ideas.
There is no way that a movie like this will make much money at all! It doesn't have any intense action, special effects, or heart-breaking drama. This is one of those movies that won't even make it to every theater. Personally, I don't even believe it was worth posting on this weeks blog. All in all...embarrassing...
I dont think i would see the movie number four, i dont get it. But for Greenday i would love it! I never seen the musical Spring Awakening but know some of the music and i love it. I think i would like the Greenday one.
The babies thing i dont get either? Is it like a documentary like March of the Penguins or a movie?
Green Day was the most popular band in middle school. Everyone loved the young Gothic singers. I myself personally just liked a couple of the songs, but most people loved the whole package. Green Day now and days is just weird! The singer acts looks high, and the drummer is a freak! He makes these really freaky faces while he plays, almost as hes possessed.
The band is not what it used to be, so having a Broadway show for it would be just down right stupid. No one except goth people would see it. I no I would never go. My parents would shoot me. But I'm sure there will be some shooting involved in the Broadway show because all of there songs are about death, drugs, and violence. Broadway must really be struggling if all they can think of is a Green Day show. "America is an idiot".....
Personally I think I'm going to have to carch this documentary about babies. I absoultly love kids to death. I grew up in a huge family where someone was always having a new baby. This year alone my family will gain 5 new members.
I love watching the shows on TLC about babies. I couldn't imagine my life without kids. I've always wanted kids and can't wait to. But this movie will tell the real story about babies in their natural environment.
Well I have never once listened to green day. Im not into that kind of music. All I know about it is they use to play there music all the time on Kiss FM. I know they are the emo type of band. I can not see them doing Broadway. That makes me laaugh thinking that kids that like screamo are going to watch broadway.
I def could see Mr. Cullen going to check it out he is in to that type of stuff.
American Idiot on broadway sounds like a pretty wierd idea at first. Something about punk rock and musicals really dont seem to mix right, i cant see to many punks going to a broadway show but you never know.
After hearing some samples from American Idiot in class i do really like the idea. I dont think id pay to see it but i would put it on my ipod.
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