Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mass Media: Radio Project

I have been listening to the radio all weekend. The more I listen to it, the more that I enjoy it. In fact, I might say that I am enjoying it more than listening to music. The only downside is that I did travel this weekend and I was listening to Wait..Wait..Don't tell me, but then I was too far away to recieve the signal. This is one of the reasons that Satelite Radio (XM & Serius) are doing [fairly] well.

Here is a list of links of the most popular syndicated radio shows.

National Public Radio has all of their shows streaming (I listened to Car Talk for the first time on Saturday. Very entertaining, even though I know nothing about cars!).

Here are some local Pittsburgh Stations:
If you find some other radio shows that are worth posting, please feel free to comment (and I might give you a few bonus points).

1 comment:

Chris Sarsfield said...

mr. cullen,

just wanted to drop by and see what you were teaching these days, hope all is well. oh and congrats to you and the mrs.