Avatar is on its way to becoming...
Jersey Shore doesn't seem to be going away...
This is an older article- but is relevant because of the recent "death" of our favorite pirate Johnny Depp. [here is an article about Depp's car accident this week]
Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
It is amazing how any celebrity can be believed to be dead at any point. the fact that anybody can go on a website and just post this is unbelieveable. This gives internet users basically any amount of freedom. This gives celebrities more attention as well. Why doesn't a celebrity just go on the internet and lie to recieve more publicity.
This site might be one of the dumbest sotes i have ever heard of. Who would think to even create this? Anyone who would take the time to go there is just messed up. This site really serves no purpose at all. Is their really nothing else better to do anymore.
On the topic of the Avatar movie, I believe that it may be receiving a little too much attention. Based off of the "same old" action movie framework, it just seems to be "another one" of those action movies, just with different characters. Although this may be true, I did enjoy this movie but couldn't help but notice the huge political issues emphasized in the film and the controversy that could arise and has already risen from this.
A few examples of this political conflict could include the difference in "races" in the movie. It seems to me like James Cameron is just rewriting the Eastern countries versus the Native American story of our own nation. (People in Europe move to the Americas to expand and possibly get away from their past mistakes). The humans in Avatar move to another planet to get away from their past mistakes and pollution to their home. Another example would be the superiority of one race over another, possibly ethnocentrism. The humans in Avatar believe that they can just overrun the home of the Navi (the tribe of the planet.)
All in all, this movie may have some controversial aspects, but also included a pretty good storyline and very entertaining action scenes.
The Jersey Shore kids seem smarter than I thought. I'm not much of a fan on this show. I don't see what makes it interesting or how it draws in viewers. I like the cast and the friendship they share, but I don't see whats so great about them living like a regular person. I realize, however, that a large audience do like it, and remember them talking about staying with each other again. So I thought if MTV offered them another season together, they'd take it first chance they got.
Apparently I was wrong. It seems they know that a large audience likes them, and want to see them again. They also know how they gave MTV lots of money from Jersey Shore, and expect more money in return for it. I think I have a newfound respect for the cast. I now think that they're smarter than the typical anorexic or tough guy MTV cast who incorporates the word "like" in every sentence. I now want to know a bit more about this group and see if I'm right.
The avatar movie is one of my all time favorites. All the time and money spent on this movie makes me appreciate the quality of the film. I hope it tops Titantic.
This movie showed the future in movies. The digital art and animations really added to the story plot line. I liked how they created a new species. I believe that added belief that maybe species like that are out there in real life
On the topic of celebrities saying that they are dead is unbelievable. I think its so retarted and pathetic. The celebrities just want so much of attention. If the celebrities really died then thats understandable. The more the celebrities say the more they get attention. I think the celebrities shoudln't be saying something that isn't true about them. I mean seriously put stuff on the internet thats true.
I learned that you got to watch what you put up on the internet. If you or somebody else puts something up on the internet thats not good on you then it would look very bad on you. The stuff that you put up on the internet could make you loose a job or get fired. Don't even put things up on the internet that people you don't know will look at. If somebody hates you and sees what you put up on the internet they could go and tell somebody else. Its so amazing what people post up on the internet. Next time think about what you post or the people you add on myspace or facebook. It could do you some harm in your life.
Personally i think that the cast of Jersey Shore has every right to hold out on MTV for more money. The show became a hit and for a second season they diserve more money. If i was on a show that got over 4 million viewers I would want more money too.
I think that if MTV hired a new cast for season 2 the show would loose viewers. The viewers have developed a love/hate relationship with the cast. We feel as though we know this cast. If MTV brought on a new cast they would try to out do the season 1. Which could land them in alot of trouble. I like this show because its entertaining, and i would hate to see a new cast.
Avatar was the best movie of all time. They special effects in the movie are one of a kind. I really think they are showing you what all movies are going to be like in a year or two. I have a hard time seeing that avatar is a better movie then the Titanic. The movie drag at times which was OK I guess. All around it was great MOVIE!
As rediculous as most of the fake deaths are it really isn't a big deal. Everyone should know that you cannot believe what you hear all the time, and that things, espciallt online, can be misleading. Many fake deaths take place with high end actors or musicians. Really you would know if Britney Spears died.
All in all these deaths are just stupid. Stupid like most of the things you can find online
The cast of Jersey Shore should be holding out until they get the money they deserve. They're on one of the biggest netoworks in television and 5,000 dollars an episode doesn't seem like enough to me. Even though they're not using any skill in show by acting, they are drawing alot of viewers and thats what MTV should want. The show is also bringing MTV lots of cash flow.
Jersey shore is one of my favorite shows because i think its funny and plus the fights are awesome. So i am all in favor of them holding out until they get the right amount of money they deserve. There was only nine episodes this season, so each cast member would only be making around forty-five thousand dollars. The members should be making triple that if they're going to be on MTV for a long time to come.
Avatar is one of the best movies I ever scene. I am surprised though that it is going to top titanic though because that movie to me is a classic and should always be the best. However, I am not surprised that titanic would one day be toped because new advancements in technology. Avatar is an amazing example in advancement in technology with the characters and visuals.
I do like the fact that avatar was a love story. I think it is really cool that people love this movie for different reasons, like the view it in different ways. Some people like this movie because they thinks it’s a good action movie or for its 3D. All around it is one of a kind movie.
The film Avatar was outstanding. When I heard that this movie was coming out i went crazy. Avatar was just starting to get all of the attention when i went to go see it. I saw it in 3D and preferably i wouldn't see it in 3D. Nothing really popped out at you. I later saw it in the regular screening and it was much better, especially on the eyes.
I believe Avatar will crush Titanic in ratings later this week. Titanic was made a while ago and its about time another great film comes out. Having the same directer of both films is just short of obvious that his latest achievement would beat his oldest. James Cameron is a amazing directer. This is by far his best work. His ex. wife, who directed Hurt Locker helped him over the long ten years of waiting. James made a great decision to wait until technology advanced, and boy did it pay off. Avatar is and will always be one of the best movies of all time.
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