Here is an article about the consumer electronic show (CES) that was happening last week. It is about E-readers.
This is another article that I thought was interesting from the show.
Since I seemed to have a theme this week-- here is an interesting video.
this just in: NBC is done with 10pm Jay Leno!
To be quite honest, I'm happy that NBC is getting rid of Jay Leno in primetime. I'm not at all a fan of Leno and and very pleased by this act. No one should be surprised of this. It seemed that the only reason Leno was in prime time in the first place was 'cause NBC was not doin' well.
They should eventually move the Jay Leno Show back to late night. The restrictions on late night television is much less than that in the prime time spots. But the big question is, what is going to be shown at 10pm on NBS?
To be quite honest, I'm happy that NBC is getting rid of Jay Leno in primetime. I'm not at all a fan of Leno and and very pleased by this act. No one should be surprised of this. It seemed that the only reason Leno was in prime time in the first place was 'cause NBC was not doin' well.
They should eventually move the Jay Leno Show back to late night. The restrictions on late night television is much less than that in the prime time spots. But the big question is, what is going to be shown at 10pm on NBS?
This whole NBC thing is a little odd in my opinion. Im kind of upset about it because now i cant watch any of these shows. Im in a deep sleep by the time any of these shows will come on. I enjoy the Jay Leno Show and Conan.
But with this new schedule i will never see Conan again. And i can kiss Jimmy good bye forever. Lastly i hate reality shows and especial Law and Order. I have never liked Law and Order, now they are playing it more which is painful.
Ms. Rouse and Ms. Beckel-
I accidentally deleted your blog entries instead of publishing them. I still have email copies of each of your posts and you both received full credit.
I think that the 3D tv is pretty cool. A lot of the stuff on that video are very interesting. Like the first article, the newspaper thing I think that in the second article the convertable computer, they would both revolutionize old things like books, newspapers, a computer stuck on the desk, etc...
I especially think its cool that they are now making things with several uses. I hate it when I buy something and I can only do one thing with it over and over, it gets boring. I don't enjoy it after awhile, and it ends up sitting in my room. But new things with several uses are great! I don't know how anybody could get bored with them.
I think the flying thing is neat. The only thing I would see wrong is if some creeper gets a hold of it... not good. But if it is innocent fun, I think its awesome, and I'm not really into stuff like that but its pretty cool.
I liked a lot of the things they showed in the video. I think that 3D TVs will be a cool concept. I also think the tablets that will allow people to do more things on the go. I do not like that people will be able to read their text messages and tweats on their speedomitors. It will cause more axidents. I think they should make it so the car reads the text out loud and it will text what you say.
Those chargers were awesome! I learned that they will put out 2.2 watts of power which is enough to charge small electronic devices/like GPS units, ipods, and cell phones. The device simply plugs into the wall and then power is distributed throughout the room.
I believe that this is the future of charging electronics. I think that if this takes off like they will make more devices like it. Maybe ones that charge cars that are electric. Maybe ones big enough that can send charges throught the whole house, but its a big possibility.
I think that the Jay Leno is a little bad. Because no one is going to want to say up till 1130 to watch his show. most people go to bed at 11.
I think Jay Leno is only mad because he will lose money and ratings. NBC is doing it for there sake not Jay Leno's or any of the other shows.
I never really watched Jay Leno so I can't say if he was good or not. I did hear before the posting that people some people were glad about what was happening. I don't know what the difference is because his show just changed people not if was funny.
I don't know if it is going to work if he goes back to late night. The reason is after he was on prime tme some people might not get on to watching the show again. This is really going to mess up the t.v. schedule because it does take people forever to get on it.
I think the water proof covers for E-Readers are an interesting idea. The E-Readers are very expencive so if you do take it out with you or read in the bath tube then its good to know that your E-Reader will be protected.
The E-Reader is a good idea but the price is a little problem. If they made the screen look a little nicer then I could see it beening worth that much. If the price of the books was less tha they are in the store it wouldnt be as bad. The price of the books is also going to cause a big problem with torrent downloads.
I thought the Jay Leno move off of prime time will be a hard decision for all parties involved. For NBC they are not getting the ratings they had hoped for and they have to make some changes that Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and Jimmy Fallon may not like. Jay Leno would be moved to 11:35-12:05, and Conan O'Brien would be moved to start at 12:05 and that is in break of the contract between Conan O'Brien and NBC.
I'm sorry too choose the late night article, but I cant help but put my comments in. You cant help but watch the late night shows these days. With this war going on a lot of hosts are having a field day. My favorite was last night on Craig's show, he was talking about how much it was raining in L.A., He said it was raining so hard he saw Leno steal Cannon's umbrella.
Plus the fact that I might not have to watch Jay Leno till a later time is semi pleasing, personally I cant stand him and his chin. I never really found him funny. But they shouldn't screw Connon over, because that's where the rest on NBC's rating are coming from!
After reading the articles and watching the video about the new technology, i have a feeling that the products coming out will help with our life but also make it more complicated. The TV i think is a cool invetions but the thing with only having a few channels will be a problem. I dont think i will be purchasing one until they create more channels avalaible.
The other invetion is the flying camera for the iphone and the itouch. I think that will be a problem with people doing things against the law and it will end up becoming illegal anyways. The twitter in your car to me is just a stupid idea. they are already making texting in your car illegal which is a good thing. The invetion of twitter in your car is a stupid idea i think. You have plenty of time at home you dont need it while you drive.
Im happy to say that NBC is getting rid of Jay Leno in primetime. No one should of been wasting their time watching this show because it has been getting bad reviews since the begging.
That should move this show totally out of NBC it is not making the money nevesary to keep it running. I feel that he has had a long enough reighn in fame and he doesnt have to keep something that is nothing running. i find it a bunch of hoopla.
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