Treme is a new show on HBO. It has received rave reviews and looks to be very interesting.
Iron Man 2 will be released soon. According to this article, it might be extremely high grossing!
This is a long article about 3-D technology and how it is changing theaters as we know it.
I'm very indecisive about Iron Man 2. I can't decide whether I think it will be successful or a pitiful defeat. Based on what I saw in the first movie, I'm leaning more toward the downfall. I wasn't very impressed with Iron Man for lack of action and overkill on displaying Stark's personality.
I also don't think that Iron Man 2 will even have a slight chance of passing up the income made on The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight had many things going it's way that Iron Man does not. The fact that more people know who Batman is and the including of popular actors such as Heith Ledger is enough to display the advantage. Personally, I think that Iron Man 2 doesn't even have a chance and will not meet it's expectations.
I have never found 3D images in movies tobe any more interesting than any other movies. I actually find the glasses necessary for these to be very annoying. Why would a movie viewer want to wear multi colored glasses to watch a movie. I remember for the super bowl commercial, if you wanted to see it in 3D, special glasses were necessary. Who wants to take the time to go buy the glasses for a 1one minute commercial.
This idea was not an awful one. The thought behind what the creators wnated to do was cool. But this is too inconvienent to ever really catch on to become a phenomenom in the movie business. Eventually technology will allow movie goers to be able to enjoy the 3D movie without the dumb glasses. The biggets problem with the glasses are the fatc that to some this could cause a headache. Whether on or off, when the 3D is on without the glasses it looks weird and for some wearing glasses will cause them to a headche.
Iron Man 2 sounds pretty awesome, i had no clue that a sequel was on its way. I really did enjoy the first Iron Man but i dont think its sequel will be as good. Sequels are a either hit or miss, many good movies have had even better sequels like Starwars, or Batman. Others have not had such luck, like Spiderman or American Pie.
I will defanatly try to go see Ironman 2 and i realy hope it is just as good as the first, but i dont think it has what it takes to pass Dark Knight.
I think Iron man 2 will let alot of people down. I think people are building it up to be better than it will be. People are just setting there self up for dissapointment because they waste their time invision a great movie and it is less than expected.
I think that 3D tv is not all its cracked up to be. I think that it is stupid to sit at home on your couch with funny glasses on just to watch the movie in a different way. I am also not that big of a fan of 3D, so i think this is why im not so for the idea.
I think Iron Man 2 could possibly beat The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight did so well with Heith Ledger being Joker, and the slightly more twisted nature of the movie, people loved it. Not to should be three heroes that everyone has heard about, one of them being Batman (The other two being Superman and Spiderman).
Now onto Iron Man 2. Iron Man 1 was a big success. Sure, not as successful as The Dark Knight, but still did very well. In the first movie, there wasn't a clear villain, it was more-or-less Tony Stark battling himself. Now obviously, they can't do that twice, forcing a villain into the sequel. With this current popularity, and, most likely, more action in the plot, Iron man just might be able to top Batman's best.
I never really enjoyed a great 3D film. I have seen many 3D movies but they all never impressed me. After looking at the screen for more than an hour kills my eyes. The glasses that are provided are cheapy and dont work. The glasses give me headaches and then makes me hate the movie. It is very annoying!
The thought of having 3D films is really good, but the actual result is not quite there yet. I feel our technology needs to be more advanced for this to actually be something amazing. The screen has all these dfferent colors and lines on the creen when the glasses are off. I prefer just having high definition television at the moment. The world is not quite ready for 3D films at this time.
Don't forget: if everyone posts to the blog before the start of class, I will disregard last week's quiz!
I don't feel 3d films will ever hit it big. The reason why I feel this way is 100 percent because of the glasses. When I saw avatar in 3d the glasses gave me a bad headache. The glass are to much work. Is the difference of 3d movies that much better as of color and quality go? I think that its not that much of a difference. Hopefully they can come up with a way to make it easier to watch a 3d movie. I feel hologram or whatever its called will work better, but I'm not the expert!
Hey everyone I hope we all did the blog today! Anyways I want tlo see ironman two because the first one to me was very interesting. I never read the comics like mr cullen probaly have but the story line is very interesting. I think the second on e will receive a lot of revuenu because the first was was good. I believe this could either make or break the movie and maybe the comic. Sequels sometimes suck but hopefully this one doesnt
On Iron Man 2 article i do not think it will come even close to The Dark Knight. Iron Man 1 was OK and we all know how sequals go...they usually are terrible. I was not a fan of Iron Man 1 just because I really do hate every movie Downey Jr. is in.
I think Iron Man 2 will be a major disapointment to all Marvel fans and Iron Man fans. It will do terrible at the box office and be one of the worst sequals of all time.
Hey this is the first clip of ER season 1, the pilot
- Shuga -
Personally, im fine with 2-D. I dont care if things pop out at me or not. If i have to pay extra to see a movie in 3-D, to me its not worth it. If the movie is actually a good movie it will be just as good in 3-D as in 2-D.
Dont get me wrong the occasional 3-D movie is great to go see cause its cool. But more and more movies are beginning to be in 3-D and to me its not important. I think that 3-D is good in moderation.
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