This article discusses the attempt to reclaim the "family sitcom"- it even mentions Nate's favorite show- Full House .
Sick of waiting for Glee? This article is about the long breaks that many shows take between the fall premier and their spring premier.
The iPad was released on Saturday. I didn't get one, but my friend Evan did. It was estimated that Apple sold 650,000 iPads just on Saturday. This article explains why this could be a world-changing product.
For me, the Apple IPad seems like a waste of money and technology. Yes, it may do some cool things that an Ipod Touch can't do...but so what! All it is, is just that...a large Ipod Touch. It seems to me that this may have been just a gimmick for Apple to make some money while working on the "next big thing."
Although, this might be the "next big thing." Maybe Apple has gotten to the point where they are beginning to run out of ideas. Recently, it seems like Apple is just repeating or adding onto previous inventions. I'm not sure if this IPad is just an add-on or not, so I guess the world will just have to find out on its own.
I am really glad that you picked more interesting blogs. I am watching the new show Good Luck Charlie now and it is so funny. I saw previews for it and it didnt look that good but now after watching it, it does have alot of comedy.
I think the ipad is very interesting. My boss was talking about getting one today. I think it is just talked up it is practilly the same think as my ipod. I think by this time next year there will be a more inproved ipad that you can be more like a laptop.
i really dont thinl the ipad is a world changing product. I think its a cool little toy for those who can afford it but the ipad cannot replace a laptop, sure i can post to the stupid blog from an ipad but i cant download music from limewire or make things on photoshop.
The ipad will never replace a laptop because apple can regulate everything that goes onto the ipad, so they wont be supporting adobe by putting illustrator or photoshop on the ipad. And ofcourse they wont be supporting "illegal" music downloads taking away itunes customers. My main point is the ipad will never be as good as my laptop im typing on now, its a giant ipod touch.
There seems to be a lot of anti-iPad posting this week-- which I find interesting. While I am not completely sold on the iPad, I do think that it is a "game changing" device.
As far as it replacing Mr. Gogets's laptop, I do not think that is the intention of the iPad. Desktops and laptops will be around for a very long time-- the iPad is more of a portable internet device that allows you to watch movies, listen to music and work on the internet while not tied down.
It is really hard to open up a laptop on any public transportation-- but it would not be hard to use the iPad in the same limited space.
Just something to think about.
I'm not sure if the Ipad will live up to Apple's expectations, not because I don't think it's a good advancement in technology, but because it doesn't seem like it would become a mainstream product.
It does seem like a very good idea, however. It seems ideal for watching movies, reading online newspapers, etc. The online and photo capabilities are a nice touch too. The only problem with it is I'm not sure if people will be willing to pay several hundred dollars for an upgraded iPhone.
The iPad is exactly like a iPhone and a iPod touch. The only difference about it is that the size is much bigger. Developers of this product believe that this is a world changing device. I do not believe that at all! It is just a fun piece of technology. Don't go out blowing your money on this thing thinking its the coolest thing in the world.
Apple is one, if not the best creators out there in today's world. They are always coming out with new and bright ideas. The iPad was just a little week though, in my opinion. I own an iPod-Touch and it is unbelievable! I love everything about it. The iPod is enough for me. Although a bigger version may be better.
The apple Ipad is a good product and will surely live up to the apple expectations, but really what is the difference between the Ipad and the Iphone. The Ipad is more if a computer but really it is just like a Iphone but with more options. I personally would not waste 800$ on a product that i can go buy a Iphone for cheaper with just fewer options.
Although I am not a large supporter of the Iad, I saw on the news that Seton Hill University would be the first college to distribute a Ipad to every student starting next fall. Obviously Seton Hill is showing belief in the product as they will invest lots of money for this product. This makes me wonder is the Ipad is more than meets the eye.
the show "Good luck Charlie" seems a bit like other family sitcoms. The kids getting themselves into sticky situations and then getting themselves out of them.
the show seems a bit repetitive of Disney. All of their shows have that basic concept. Irresponsible kids learn by their mistakes. You can only have so many shows with that concept before its worn out. its worn out.
the show "Good luck Charlie" seems a bit like other family sitcoms. The kids getting themselves into sticky situations and then getting themselves out of them.
the show seems a bit repetitive of Disney. All of their shows have that basic concept. Irresponsible kids learn by their mistakes. You can only have so many shows with that concept before its worn out. its worn out.
I think more family citcoms should be
on tv because I enjoy most of the classic ones such as full house and family matters. I haven't wathched the middle
or modern family but I will have to.
I do not think disney should try to remake the next classic citcom because lately disneys new shows have really sucked badly. A channel like abc or CBS should do it not crappy Disney. Disney was good whenever they made the mighty ducks and johnny tsunami and I think everyone will agree with that
The Ipad is such a waste of money. The only people that will buy the Ipad are the rich kids. It is no where near as good as a lap top. They say its the world changing product, well they are wrong. What is so great about it, its like a giant Ipod. Hopefully they can sell about 5000 and be happy. Apple is amazing but the Ipad is a waste. The only person that will like this product is Mr. Cory Cullen.
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