I would also like to remind you to check your work for spelling and grammar issues. Starting this week, you will also be graded on these aspects. There will be a quiz Monday but to make it fair, I will let each of you use a 3 x 5 notecard or piece of paper with 20 words on it. If you have more than 20 words, you will not be able to use it.
Ken Burn's new documentary premieres tonight on PBS. Here is an article about it.
New season of the simpsons tonight! See who guest wrote it here.
New season of SNL drops the bomb.
Roman Polanski was arrested for a crime he committed 30 years ago. Read about it here.
Don't forget to read the road!! Entire book due on Tuesday.
I believe that people care way too much about the "bad words". I mean look its SNL they made a whole song about Sarah Palin wanting to be "under Barack Obama". I remember being 5 when i first said the F word. I was in church actually. Like I said it is only a word and people take it way to seriously.
I al so think this might just be a way to draw atention to the comedy show. I mean I didn't even know there was a new season of it. Anyway the FCC will take care of it most liekely with a fine of some sort its just a word but hey, it got some reporter something to write about.
I think Ken Burns' new show about Yosemite National Park in California will be a big hit. Many people are very interested in the outdoors and how animals behave in their natural environment. Even though it's only a 12 hour 6 part series I think the show will recieve good ratings.
Yosemite National park is one of the most well known national parks throughout the United States. I am watching this show right now and I think it is very interesting in how Ken Burns' make this show interesting even though its only 20 minutes into the show. I like how Mr. Burns' describes the atmosphere and how the animals behave in their natural habitat.
I think thats awesome that Seth Rogan, accompanied with Evan Goldberg, helped Co-write an episode of The Simpsons. Rogan is extremely funny and his comedic performances always make me laugh, So I am not doubting that this episode will most likely be hilarious.
I also think that Seth Rogan playing the Green Lantern will be very interesting. I'm guessing its going to be comical if Seth is playing the role. I will definitely go see that when it is released!
I watched the Simpsons and thought that it was a pretty funny episode. I like when they focus their attention on the "other" characters-- Comic Book Guy being one of my favorites (Disco Stu and Handsome Pete being others).
And to address Mr. Shuba's post, while some people believe that cursing is "just words", there are others that believe differently. In fact, many people have lost jobs in the entertainment world because of "words" that they have said on the air.
I guess the bigger question is about censorship. I don't think that much will happen with this slip-up because it was on so late in the night. If it was earlier in the day (especially if it was during prime-time), I would expect her to get fired.
As far as Ken Burn's show, I DVRed it and expect to watch it at a later date. He is an absolutely amazing documentarian, but it is quite a time commitment to enjoy his extensive collection.
Almost all shows now say or make references to these so called "bad words" and thats even kids shows. Like the swearing spongebob episode! I know it teaches them that its bad, but its still a happy ending, which never really teaches the kids that saying them in bad, considering its a funny a show. When it comes to SNL you think it would be expected? Its a show for adults.
Everyone can't always be perfect when on the air. Everyone is bound to slip up sometime under all that pressure. I'm sure her dropping the F bomb made the skit even funnier, and i wish i could have seen it. Also I looked up the clip of the anchorman accidently saying the f word. Absolutely hilarious!
I agree with shuba 100%. Saturday Night Live is airing at midnight. Anyone that stays up to watch it is more than likely mature enough to hear someone drop the F bomb. Everyone has heard this word used hundreds of times, and just because it was said on tv doesn't mean it should be any different.
The FCC should really lighten up on theses things. Its not like there is 5 year old children watching this show. It airs at midnight and they shouldn't regulate anything after prime time.
I think that the documentary of the national park is a good idea. It will show people what is really important to keep preserved and how everything once was. Hopefully, the documentary will bring more tourists and people visiting the parks instead of people going to resorts and getaways. It is important to keep parks a big part of society, and to keep our perspective good about them and preserving them.
Without the parks, millions of animals, acres, and woods would be gone. The national parks are a reminder of how America once was all over. The documentary I believe will bring a new perspective for many people who don’t care about the parks.
Seth Rogan, has had some great oppertunities in his life. Like the article said being in the box office hit "Knocked Up" and being a super hero in the new movie "The Green Hornet" Now he has gotten the chance to Co Wright "The simpsons 2009 season primear episode Evan Goldberg.
Also i think that if people are so cautious about "Cussing" why do you hear it everyday. Now adays swearing has become pretty much of everybody's life. People like the FCC need to learn to understand that nobody cares aboout swaring anymore. And for the people who do they should just make it so they can block the swaer words on tv.
The new Simpson episode sounded like it would be pretty funny because Homer is pretty fat and lazy and trying to get him into shape would be nearly impossible. It also sounds good because Seth Rogen help write it, I think he has been in some pretty funny movies and is a pretty funny dude himself.
Also in the article I thought it was pretty cool to see the other people that have appeared on the Simpsons such people as Bob Costas and Eli Manning. I did not get to watch the show but I am sure it was fantastic.
THE SIMPSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The Simpsons" was my favorite show back in the day. I missed the episode because i was typing an english paper. But personally i think it was a stupid idea to let Seth Green assist in writing the show. I do not like his humor. Ever since "Robot Chicken" i have disliked Seth Green's work. But the episode does sound interesting. Homer trying to excercise sounds funny. I just picture him doing something stupid for an excercise then kicking back with his Duff beer.
What happened the other day on SNL i find rather surprising. Usually they are pretty good at keeping the vulgarity to a minimum. But in todays day and age the F-Bomb is used quite frequently. It has been implimented in to many people's everyday vocabulary. The slip made by Jenny Slate this past weekend will probably effeect the show in minimal amounts. SNL has such a large fan base that is probably will not hurt them to badly. But back in 1981 i can understand if people flipped with Charles Rockets slip. Back then the F-bomb was seen more vulgar than it is today. If you ask me, i forgive them both for saying that on national television.
I think that the news series of the simpsons will be a good show. The show now still has good viewing numbers and is still a popular show. Many different ages watch the Simpsons. That is a good thing because it is sorta a family show at times.
This new season of the Simpsons will hopefully be the same as they used to be. Unlike Family Guy hoepfully Seth Rogen will not stretch out too far to try and make it funny. It is also premiering at primetime which will help with the veiwing numbers. I believe this new season will be very successful and Seth will continue to produce new shows and seasons.
Mr. Evans--
Seth Rogen does not equal Seth Green.
Seth Rogen:
Zack and Miri
Knocked Up
Freaks & Geeks
Seth Green:
Robot Chicken
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Without a Paddle
It is almost frightening how actions can follow you. I’m sure Roman Polanski is finding this fear more real than the rest of us. After evading extradition for thirty years, he is finally under arrest. It is shocking that he, until now, has suffered little for his actions and has won many accolades since the event. His crime is a disgusting one, and it’s about time he is plucked from the safety of French boarders.
However, I feel the outspoken victim will play in his favor. Her wanting the case dropped won’t exactly instill malevolence in the court. Hopefully, the long overdue close of the case will bring both closures for the victim and Polanski’s life as prey. Fans who are angry over his arrest need to come to terms that talented people aren’t allowed to commit crimes. While I can enjoy and respect his work, I don’t think he deserves special treatment under the law.
Eh i don't think cussing is a huge deal, ecspecialy considering that the time the show is on, is after family hours. It was only said once, so people should just ignore it and get along with the show.
Seth Rogan is extremely funny, and never fails to make me laugh. So i can't wait to see the Simpsons episode with his own script written. Does that even make sense? Hmm i dunno, anyway i'll have to watch that ep cause i absolutely looooove the simpsons
I think that Seth Rogen is a great person to pick to help write a Simpson's episode. I think that Seth Rogen is funny and like the movies he was in.
Seth Rogen is a great actor he has also written movies as well. Some movies that he has written are Superbad, Drillbit Taylor,and he produced Funny People. I think that The Simpson's writers did a good thing picking a well rounded actor like him.
Hey Mr. Cullen! Its Jen Gerger and Kim Foy... We're still friends, in case you were worried haha aaand we just saw Taylor Swift and she was AMAZING! :)
p.s. congrats on the wedding!! we always knew it would happen :)
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