In addition to completing your "entertainment current events quiz", please remember that you have the first 100 pages of Cormac McCarthy's The Road to complete.
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i think the new Jay Leno show will be a big hit. Leno is well known for his funny jokes and hilarious shows. even though some people think its similar to the old show i think it will be a big difference in how it is set up and what the shows about.
i also think the star guests will have a big impact in how it attracts people to watch the show. even though NBC has a low rating in the past years i think Leno's show will boost the ratings and make the number program to watch.
What worries me about the Jay Leno show is that instead of making quality shows, NBC and the other networks are spending less money (in production costs) and focusing their schedules on "talk show" and reality television. I worry that soon the days of "well scripted" television will be long gone. If Leno is a hit, expect all of the networks to follow suit with low budget, uncripted comedies in prime-time.
That being said, while I was never a fan of his show, I did like some of the "skits" that he did, especially Jaywalking and Headlines. I am glad to hear that those will still be making an appearance on his new show. I guess only time will tell. I know that I will record it for a few weeks on teh DVR and if it is funny, I will keep watching.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show violating over 1000 copyrights is a bit ridiculous. Even though that is a big part of the show, music, her and her show should have had enough professionalism to do whatever steps you have to do to make it legal. The Ellen DeGeneres Show is very fun and upbeat, most of the fun comes in with the music so you would think there would be no way of going around the system that much (1000 songs).
Even though it says Ellen is not involved with the issue, it makes her and her show look bad. The stupid comment, that’s not how we roll, also makes her show look unprofessional. Even though it is a comedy and it can have a little slack on the maturity aspect, I think that violating that many copyrights is just incompetence on whoever’s part it is to take care of stuff like that. Overall, it makes her look bad, that isn’t good and it could have been prevented very easily.
The 1st week of the Jay Leno show will get good rateings but after that they will start to go down. The rateings will be high the 1st week because of all the promos NBC is doing. People will watch just to see how the new show is. It sounds varey similar to the old show just in a new time slot because NBC can't compeat with the other networks at that time.
The only part of his old show I liked was his opening monolog. Jaw walking was funny too bad he stole it from the Howard Stern Show. He also stole John the Studerer from the stern show. Will John the Studerer be the anouner for the new show?
This week Jay Leno will be starting his new show “The Jay Leno Show”. After reading this article I didn’t notice any differences between the new show and his late night talk show. I doubt the viewing number for this show will increase because of this reason.
One difference I found didn’t seem very exciting. Jay Leno will be putting celebrities in electric racing cars on a racing track specially built for his show. Sure this will be amusing for a couple weeks, but I don’t think that he will be able to find many celebrities that are up for hitting a wall and bursting into flames. I will not be watching this show because it sounds very repetitious, and it seems like it will be hard to put variety in the show other than musicians sharing the stage with each other.
The Jay Leno Show in my opinion is going to be a great success. I have been watching television a lot this weekend and the advertisements have been quite funny. Jay-Z, Rihanna and Kanye West being there will most certainly help the show. Along with these stars will be Jerry Seinfeld. This I find interesting, they are trying to hit multiple audiences which is a great idea. All in all, it sounds like this show is going to become more and more popular helping NBC's 10 o'clock spot become one of the most entertaining.
A lot of people are posting about the Jay Leno show. I think it is going to be even more interesting to have Kayne on the show now after his "incident" Sunday night duringt the MTV Video Music Awards.
I heard on NPR this morning that 5 episodes of the Jay Leno Show costs as much as 1 episode of a scripted drama. So NBC is getting quite a bargain!
The Jay Leno show i believe is going to be a big hit. I believe that the show will be bigger than most shows out or coming out this fall. Even though it is coming on alittle later than most people stay up i think they will stay up to watch it.
The race track will be a good addition and i think that will atract viewers. Losing the desk though might be a mistake because people are so used to late shows having desks and i think he is trying to be a Dr. Phil or somebody like that with just chairs.
When a television show is in the business of making money, they need to pay for the use of other people’s work. Anyone working in show business needs to respect and follow laws, and this includes the copyright law. It’s not an option, it’s a legal fact. For these reasons, the defendant’s response, “we don’t roll that way,” in response to questions asking why they didn’t obtain licenses, inexcusable. Even restaurants such as ‘Fridays’ mind the copyright law and, in doing so, must come up with their own variations of birthday songs.
Though, it is good advertising to have your music played, especially on television. Unfortunately, record labels certainty do not see the situation in the same light. The blame falls upon the producers who blatantly disregarded well-known laws and now find themselves facing, what could be, substantial licensing fees. In following the case, we may find the music industry making an example of the “Ellen” show.
I think it is just ridiculous the guiding light has been on air for all this time. First of all, no one really watches these soap opera's anymore except for the people in the waiting room at doctors offices.
I just can't believe it has made it this far. It has made over 15,000 episodes in a day when tons of shows get canceled after one season. It is slightly sad that it is over, but the time has come. I'm not a bit surprised that this is happening.
The Jay Leno Show is going to be probably a bigger success than his late night show in my opinion. He is a pretty funny man and seems to catch a lot of people attention, so there really is no reason this show won't be a success especially with all the new guest stars on it... including Kanye West. No doubt that he'll be talking about kanye's rude actions at the VMA's
So, im pretty sure that when is all said and done, this new show will be a success. Once we get through the first episode, i bet it will leave people wanting more.
i believe this law suit against ellen's show is semi rediculus, but then again it is the law. i think the music people purposly waited for the suit. i mean 1000 songs why not say something with the first one. its all for money and it makes me sick.
there should be a law that amends the copywrite law because personally i believe that this is abuse of the law for the plaintifs gain. if the judge of the court has any brains he will say the same thing.
the know leno show was on at ten o'clock last night. i saw a little bit of of, only about a couple seconds when Jery Sinfeld was talking with oprea and i turned it off. but from reading the article, which i did, the show sounds like it will be a big hit with people that like to watch talk shows such as that. Jay Leno is a popular person so he will be able to attract big stars to his show and i think that will help boost the ratings because people love watching things about movie stars or celebrities.
I think it is awesome that kurt cobain is a new avatar in guitar hero. I also think that alot of people might be angry. because you always have people who like people and people who dont.
Also, now that i am posting this 87651 weeks late, the jay leno show has been having a okay hit. I think it is funny and some points but not as funny as his old show. Now that nbc has cut shows that usually are on alot of people are angry but i think they are getting over it.
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