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Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
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The Beatles to me are one of the best early rock bands that are still popular today. The Beatles both needed and deserved this chance awhile ago. I believe that the game will be one of the best rockbands made. I also believe that it will be a big hit with both young and old audiances because they have so many popular songs. Although i do believe that the songs may be alittle older for players to remember or play than some of the kids that are more interested in the game.
The other reason why i believe that they deserve this is because as old as the Beatles are they are still a very popular band. They are not like most bands where they go out of date like alot of others bands and songs are. They continue to stay at the top and you continue to hear alot of their songs around. They were also a major influence to the rock and roll in the 80's with their different forms of songs and new ways of creating music.
This is my response to the article about Charlie Gibson’s retirement. I was shocked to hear when Gibson announced on World News Tonight that he was leaving, and Diane was going to take his place. Diane and Charlie are two of the most iconic news anchors of today. Charlie definitely put his life into his job. I grew up watching him on the news and to see him leave made me feel like something was missing.
Although I am excited for Diane, I do not understand why she would stay to take his place. Diane has been doing the news for ABC since 1989. I think that she has the capabilities to take his place, but ABC should have picked someone younger. Diane will probably be retiring in the next ten years. This will prevent World News Tonight and Good Morning America from constantly switching anchors and also to give other well deserving news anchors an opportunity.
Annie Beckel
I can't believe it took this long to remaster the Beatles catalogue. I understand it takes a good amount of time to convert records to digital music but come on, the Beatles are arguably the most popular band EVER. You would have thought someone would have done this before now.
I like how EA is creating the "Beatles: Rock Band." The rock band series has never really attracted the older generations before now. A lot of older people that listen to the Beatles and NEVER considered getting Rock Band WILL highly consider getting this game. I like how EA is trying to span the generations with this game.
So, honestly, I really don’t care what two dorky guys think about movies. I’m sorry, but I think that it is a terrible idea to have these people on… anything. I personally don’t care what they have to say or what their opinions on a movie are; at least get some younger people in for a more fresh perspective on things. I don’t think the show has a point because everyone has different opinions, and also if anyone else is like me, I honestly just don’t care what they have to say about a movie.
I myself don’t think it is a good idea to have this type of thing done with the movie comments. I have a very vast selection of movies I enjoy but I have my own opinion on everything, as do many other people. Okay, for example, everybody loves District Nine. I hate it; I can’t believe it made it to theatres let alone the top 5 of the week and brought in 9 million dollars. I am sure these two will have something to say about it too; after I already have my opinion on it it’s sort of a waste of time to just listen to them talk about how they feel about it.
I don’t really think that listening to these people talk about a movie will change my decision on how I love or hate it. I would never sit there and watch them argue back and forth on how a movie affected them. I just find their show a waste of time. I don’t see a point, just read or watch something about the movie you want to see, if you like the sounds of it, watch it, if you don’t, who cares, and don’t watch it.
Overall, I obviously don’t think that the ‘at the movies’ idea is a good one. I think it is a bit of a waste of time for somebody to watch and it gives these guys an unnecessary place on TV. I don’t agree with it, I know a lot of people feel strongly about these things that they really like them but my opinion; watch a movie yourself, decide if you like it or not, I don’t want to know how these two people feel about it, you have your own mind to decide for yourself.
i believe that the Beatle story is great, because personally i like the beatles and it should be great to play a game to some of your favorite artists right? the only thing that im not to excited about is the fact that it has taken so long to get the catologe redone, i mean that group was like one of the most reknown bands ever and sure maybe they have a lot of records but its taken forever to get them remasterd. plus the price on the rock band sets are a little expensive. 200 dollars for a game i mean its not even a system! geez.
After all these years, the beatles are making it big in the 2000's. Almost 50 years ago the Beatles came from Liverpool, England. They played music and came to America, starting a new genre of music. Their style and class, changed everything about the country. Their music started in the 60's, and their album cover was Apple.
Apple Records is not the same as the Apple technology, although they have the same name. After haing aruements, they decided that as long as Apple technology doesn't interfere with the music business, everything would be okay. Unfortunately however in 2001 Apple made the ipods. Nobody knows what to expect on 9/9/09, except that the beatles Rockband is coming out. Rumors are around that they're going to release Beatles catalougs onto the ipods. All of it comes together on 9/9/09, which is tomorrow! I also noticed that one of the Beatles songs which is called 'Number 9', i'm not sure if it's a quincidence that it's similiar to the date.
The Beatles have always been good. Through thick and thin and it was only a matter of time before something with their name in it was released. Like Beatles Rock Band (looks awesome, but i played rock band too much and got really sick of it) although i didn't listen to them alot like other people have in the past, i know almost all of their popular songs.
If they do release their whole discography on itunes that would be really cool. it would bring back memories to people who had grown up with them and the people who have grown to love them. It will bring many generations of music together, And thats whats its all about right? the Beatles along with many other artists have carved music into what it is today and created the sound tracks of our lives.
Hope this is good enough hahaha
I am commenting on the highest grossing films article. There were a few highly anticipated movies that were released this weekend. Gamer being one of them, looked like it would do so well for the weekend, however, it was The Final Destination who soared to the charts? These movies are neat and all, but how far is too far? Its the same story, different ways to die. And making it 3D just added the extra 3 or 4 dollars to help it be the highest selling movie. Inglorious Bastards was so close to being again the number one movie.
It looks like the films that were out for 2 weeks are still grossing the box office. Where as the films that just came out such as Gamer and All About Steve didn't do so well as anticipated.
I think the beatle's are one of The most popular bands. When they first started they werent very popular but when they started making rock music they were popular nationwide.
I think the new rockband will be one of the best selling video games
to come out. it will be a good influence from the past because the Beatles were a very important figure the rock industry.
To starts things off, a couple of these shows sound interesting to watch. For example "Modern Family" sounds entertaining. I loved "Home Improvement" back in the day. This new sitcom sounds funny and innovating. The fact that the old man has the young sexy wife is rather fun. The two gays and the baby i think they might be trying to make a political statement but thats just me.
Secondly, something i am not happy with is ANOTHER NCIS. I did not like the first NCIS. It was like a cheap CSI. The first NCIS was boring and i did not find it very entertaining. So why do they have to make another one if the first one was crap. Why dont they just give up. Also, I am not a fan of Chris O'Donnell. He was aweful in "Vertical Limit" so i quite frankly do not want to watch him again.
On the other hand, "Cougar Town" might be something worth watching. Or atleast I want to see the opening show. Reason being is simple. Coutrney Cox may be getting older but you got to admit she is still a fox.
Having only watched one episode of Ryan Murphy’s Nip/Tuck and only making a pathetic twenty minutes into the mind numbing High School Musical, I still feel terrified to hear the new show Glee described as a brew of both. The thought of a musical comedy featuring dancing football teams sprinkled over dramatized teen ordeals sounds too upsetting for easy watching on a Wednesday night. However, with my far from experienced knowledge of television, I’m willing to give all the new fall shows a chance.
Though nothing struck me as outrageous as Glee, the scheduled shows all seem to bring something different. The fall listings feature everything from the familiar family comedy The Middle to the complex fantasy FlashForward. After watching these new shows I hope to have more to add to my watch list instead of memorizing the many Law & Order spin-offs.
Greg Paulus transfered to Syracuse this year after playing for Duke last year. He is currently the starting quarterback for them and he is not used to losing. After last weeks game against minnesota he may be having second thoughts after losing. Something Paulus is not used to. Although he enjoys the transition to football.
Personally "The Beatles" are one of my favorite bands. After guitar hero game out Rock Band came out. Although "The Beatles" are such an old band they are still extremely popular today. Personally I have not played this game yet since i am poseting 6543 months late. But by the reviews i have read about it people are saying it is one of the best "Band stimulated Games yet"
The beatles have been around forever and they defiantly did deserve this chance. They are a major influence to alot of people. And alot of their songs actually most of them tell a story. The were one of the begging bands that brought rock and roll in diffent froms in the 80's.
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