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Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
I dont know how that would be ofencive it's not like their making fun of him or anything. how is it to soon it's been more than 10 years since he died. In many of his SNL skits he basicly made fun of him self.
I don't think that it is "too soon", I mean, he died in 1997 and I am sure that David Spade got time to 'get over it' or accept his death. There is nothing wrong with having Farley in a commercial, if anything it will let people remember him more and almost let his comedic talent stay alive.
There isn't any reason that it would be unacceptable to have a dead actors famous part be shown on a commercial. Even David Spade is okay with it, I don't see why anybody would care? After 12 years, it isn't too soon. I think it is stupid to argue about it, and even more stupid to consider not airing it to 'offend' anybody. People are stupid haha
I don't think it was bad in any way. May it be too soon or whatever else people want to say about this commercial. If you truly think about some people just might not have like him and thats why they are saying that its too soon. I don't know in whos world showing someones talent is a bad thing in anyway. To some people 12 years is still to soon but those are usually the one who know the person who died.I think that the viewers should have no say in this because I doubt any of them knew him. And I mean really knew him not just thought they did. So unless its the family or friends saying thats its bad then its still good. Also its not like Spade did this in a bad way because he really did care for his friend. Any one who said it was too soon for them to show something of him better think next time they see "Tommy Boy" or another movie he was in they should think if its too soon for those movies to be playing.
You Know I can't stand how people find things in bad taste, when Michael Jackson died a lot of people were joking about him the day he died! If it happens it's fair game, that's how i see it.
I got punched int the face and people were laughing, was that bad taste? nooooooooooo of course not.
but if Sarah Palin can call out Letterman, anyone can get mad at anything.
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