If everyone in the class posts to the blog by the start of class I will cancel the quiz.
Get ready for your last Current Events Quiz of the 9 weeks! As usual, you can use a 3 x 5 notecard with up to 20 words on it. Any words you want- 20 of them! Be sure to post a two paragraph response on this entry by the start of class Tuesday. If you have any questions, I will answer them before 9:30 pm tonight.
Here is a review of the new film about Amelia Earhart. It seems that her life was made for a movie.
Movie theaters are no longer just for movies. See how the industry is keeping up by reading this article.
For the final article (the Hulu one was really short), I am going to plug one of my favorite shows: Madmen. Read about the set details here.
Bonus: I will throw you a couple of bonus points if you create your own Simpsons Character. While you do not need to enter the contest, you must answer all of the questions that they ask and post it to the blog.
Eh I really didn't understand any of those blogs. That blog about the movie theatres sounded interesting. Using stereoscopic 3D seems like it's a pretty big priority. I look forward to movie theatres upgrading their projecters and images. Using gaming events, simulcasts, prerecorded concerts and sporting events seems like a good idea. I have already heard about the prerecorded concerts being played at movie theatres. Such as Hannah Montanna, and the Jonas Brothers. Even though they kinda suck, they are from Disney so I wondor if they have some kind of connection.
Designing a new theatre design for gamers is very interesting. It says that gamers are more likely to sit longer than moviegoers is not something i've ever heard. In my opinion they're about equal. I'm kind of both in that category but I could probably watch movies all day. Also having bars in the AMC theatre is very different. I think it's a pretty good idea, if they're going to put the sport events in movie theatres, because then they could have a huge projecter, counfy seats, and beer. Basicaly perfect for sports fans.
General Carrot Top, he is a glowing orange character with green hair. He believes that he can call any carrot from the ground to defeat evil by saying " The orange under the ground must come forth to help the orange above ground."
When he was a young boy he fell into toxic waste which makes him appear orange today. As he was growing up the children made fun of him and said " you must really turn orange when you eat too many carrots."
The torchor from the other kids made him believe that he could stand up for the weak like he was.
The movie about Amelia Earhart seems like an ok movie. It is about more adventures that she took with her navigator Fred Noonan. They traveled 22,000 miles and disappeared over the Western Pacific.
Some people really like this kind of movies, but I like more of the scary movies so I don't know if i would go and see it. But to anyone that likes adventures that really happened this is the movie for you.
I believe that the news that Hulu will start charging people is not that big of a shocker. I mean they are showing a lot of videos for no charge and they are everywhere. In a sence it is like NetFlix. I just hope they do not charge for every video.
I don't know though i just think that the execuatives are money hungry. They are trying to make cash off everything, remember when the music industry went after people for thier ringtones, everyone wants some more money. It's only a matter of time before they charge you for using public restrooms. >:]
I think that it’s great that Mad Men tries to keep with their theme of the show with props. I think that props are an important feature for movies and TV shows. If I watch a movie I usually don’t like it if their props don’t go with the time period. Props are important feature because it makes the show. Viewers are usually looking in the background.
When watching a movie I get frustrated when they make an editing mistake, so I feel the same when it comes to the props. When a show really researches their theme it makes the show ten times better because you feel like your there with the actors.
Only 5 comments by 10pm? I am not sure if this whole "if everyone posts there is no quiz" is going to happen.....
First off, I hope everyone posts, because I like being quiz free! I liked the article on the movie theater the best. I am agreeing with Karmen when she didn't really understand these articles, cause I had a hard time too! I think the movie theater should set up some kind of gaming theater. Sony's Uncharted 2, is supposed to be an amazing game, and being able to play it on a movie theater sized screen must have been incredible.
As for the whole hulu charge... I think its a bad move on their part. Hulu is free at the moment If they want to keep happy customers in the palm of their hand, they should keep it the way it is. No one wants to pay for a cable AND Hulu bill. Bad move, Hulu... Bad move.
If HULU charges money they will looses alot ot people. Why can't they do what all the other websites do fill it with ads. I hate all theeose ads on websites but it is better than paying for it.
I think the movie theater was a neat idea. I think that playing a game in as movie theater would be really cool with all the sourround sound and the big screen and the big leather recliners will make it so much better. I really think the sorround sound would make the game ten times better than playing it in your family room or your bedroom.
The only thing I wouldnt like about the movie theatre thing is that you would have to pay to play the game. I think that it would start out cheap and then gradually get more expensive as it became more popular to the people who wanted to play it.
I think that the movie theater idea is really good. I would deffiantly go and watch previous sports things and watching 3D things. Something that would really be a good idea would having the superbowl in theaters, the theater would make so much money, but it would probably be hard to get the rights to do that from NFL or whatever you would have to get it from. Concerts are also kinda cool, I wouldn't go see Hannah Montanna or Jonas Brothers like Karmen said, but I would go see someone like Zak Brown Band or Miranda Lambert.
I don't really play a lot of video games but its a pretty cool idea to have a theater for the people who like to play them. I could see how the people who do play them would love to do it on the bigger screen with better graphics and stuff and since the people I know who play games can sit for hours, if they based price on time, theaters would be rich. Overall, its a pretty cool idea to expand what theaters could do.
It is going to be exciting watching movie cinemas transform into places to watch sports and play video games too. I'm not a gamer myself, but i feel the public will respond very positively to opportunities to shoot guns on the big screen. Similarly, I think watching sporting events at theaters will completely change sport fan experience.
The changes the theaters will undergo show the direction industries are taking as a whole. We can blow stuff up on games at home, but we want to see it bigger and louder and in 3D. Technology keeps lending itself to making our entertainment more realistic and, because viewers demand it, entertainment will continue to change drastically.
The game in the movie theater idea sounds like it is going to be bomb. I like playing video games and I think playing on a screen of that size would be a life changing experience. Paying for it doesn't sound too great. It should be you bring the game you wait in line long enough you'll get to play it. They could run huge tournements out of the movie theater and charge to enter. I think playing sports games, such as the greatest game ever created NHL 10, would bring in bigger crowds than a game such as Uncharted 2. If they ever had something like that around here I would free up my SUPER busy schedule to fly out there on my magic carpet and show these fools my skills on NHL 10.
I have been bery sick since Friday night. If need be you can contact my mom. Today is the first chance i have had to post on the blog. I believe that the Movie abou Amelia is going to be pretty interesting. The only thin i dont get is how are they going to end it. No one knows what happened. Is it just going to end with her flying off into the sunset or lie to us about what happened? Who knows?
Also, the theater thing sounds pretty entertaining. I would kill to play some Halo 3 or MW2 on the big screen. That'd be awesome. But for the sporting events i think that it is a bad idea. Putting a bunch of drunken fools in a closed area is a bad idea. For example, if they wanted to air the Pittsburgh Baltimore game in theaters many problems would arise. The fans hate eachother and would probably start an uproar. To me, that sounds like an accident waiting to happen.
The article about the movie theater was a good idea i think. The only problem i see is having alcoholic drinks might not be the best thing for a movie theater. The fact that they are bringing game systems into the theaters is a good idea i think because alot more people will think to buy a system and the theater will bring in alot more money. They would probably raise the prices for that theater just because the cost of running it.
The fact that they have to uprage their theaters for it will be a big problem. I am not sure that it will be as big or be spread around as much because the cost is so high. Also they are talking about having to change the seating arrangement and their projectors which is basically the entire theater so that will be a big talk for many theaters whether they will follow through with the upgrade or just continue with what they have.
Simpsons Bonus
B Bear
big head
did i do that?
Jon Kent
tall and thick
freckles and fat cheeks
i otta punch you right in the mouff, im gonna kick you right in the teeff
Im not suprised that Hulu will make you start paying. the whole world is just concerned with money. People will stop going to the site when you can get the shows for free other places on the internet. By the way Shuba in some places they do charge for public restrooms.
Hulu should at least make the episode selection more wide. they have a lot of shows but not episodes. I dont think paying for it will last to long. people dont want to pay for something that you can get for free on some other web site.
Mrs. Bell is a 67 year old clerk who has purple tight permed hair and is short and chubby. The most distinguishing feature to her is the mole on her cheek. She was last seen walking home from work. Her known catchphrase is, "wish in one hand, and _ in the other, see which one gets filled first"
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