Paranormal Activity was released this weekend. Read about why this movie is making headlines.
Here is an article about magazines going under. It is an interesting piece about the decline of the magazine industry as a whole.
Here is a really long article about the Beatles coming to Pittsburgh. I think that it is worth reading because of the local and historical context.
I will only post 3 articles due to the length of the Beatles article. I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!
I think the new movie "Paranormal" will be one of the scarriest movies ever made. Katie Featherson makes scary movies even more scarrier because of her emotions in the movie like she did in the movie "Cloverfield". Especially sense it made $1.2 million in 16 college towns.
This week when PA expanded to 44 cities and 159 movie theaters it is almost at a box-office breakout. I think the real video camera look will make the movie more realistic and frighten people more than a regular camera look would.
The movie Panormal Activity seems like a good movie. This is a scary movie that takes place at the couples house and since it is haunted the couple is not aloud to leave the propety. The good thing about this movie is they didn't spend alot of money making it so they are hopeing that they will make alot more.
The box office says that they are going to make the headlines and all the crowd is going to come in to watch the movie to see what the screaming is about. In this movie there is shadows creeping on the walls. Also there is a unknown ripple under the bed sheets. If I have a chance to see this movie I would go.
Mr. Faulk-
Katie Featherson was not in Cloverfield. I think that you misread (or quickly read) the article and got some things confused.
I am looking for more of your reaction to the article, not necessarily a summary.
Mr. Cullen
I think that the new "Paranormal movie", will be just as stupid as "Drag me to Hell" personally Horror/thriller movies have lost there scarey. There are just too many of them. There is always a door moving, the beutiful girl always gets it. (from the deamon or whatever) and there is usually a plot twist that makes everyone so confused that they wish they were home watching the Wiggles.
Even though this new movie is supposedly more paranormal and less blood, I do not see any need to spend money to go see it. If I wanted a real scarey movie, Id watch some classics like Dracula.The fact that they move the camera around doesnt make anything different, I mean look at "Quarentine" personally it gave me a headache. Like I said, im not looking forward to this movie.
I saw Paranormal Activity. It scared the pants off of me! There we're no credits, no music, just come copy rights to dreamworks and paramount, and huge scares. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I suggest you do, especially if you love a good spook or two!
People actually had to demand the movie to have it play in more cities than it was supposed to! If votes hit 1 Million, then the 11,000 dollar film would not only be in the original select cities, but more cities in more states. I actually voted and I'm so happy that we hit a million! I love scary movies, and I'm proud to say this one actually scared me.
The new movie Paranormal Activity looks awesome. I'm really interested in seeing it, mainly because it's a scary movie without a lot of gore. I hate gross movies like that, but it seems like this one only holds tension.
I'm hoping the movie has a plot to it, with a big twist. I'm not surprised that the box office said that it will make headlines, because I saw a commerical for this, and it was a real life crowd, and they went crazy for it. So i'll deffinately see it when i get chance.
The article about the beatles is very interesting. It cost 35000 dollars to bring the beatles into town back in the 1960's. I can't immagine how much it costs to bring in a band now. It must be up in the hundreds of thousands. No wonder big bands make a ton of money.
I also thought it was interesting because it shows how hard one's life was back in the day. The father somehow came up with 5000 dollars when he only made like 3500 a year. It's just really interesting.
It’s really exciting to see the scary movie scene taking a new direction. In general, I think the world of cinema follows an equation. Once producers and directors find missing exponents that equate a hefty profit, moviegoers can expect innumerable similar movies to come. I think the classic horror film setup has been thoroughly exhausted. Movies like “Paranormal Activity” offer something different and audiences are taking notice.
Perhaps we’ve seen dismembered corpses through blood splattered camera lenses enough. This possibility induces the film industry to look in new directions to terrify watchers, and most importantly, to have us pay them to do it. Audiences are starting to look for more personal horrors instead of the anomaly serial rapists and deranged torturers that have plagued the big screens for so long. The industry is accomplishing this through the use of real footage, less spectacular gore, and constant anticipation. I’m eager to see the movie and expect many similar movies to follow.
I think the movie Paranormal Activity is going to be a big hit during the Halloween season. They were very smart releasing the movie during the Halloween season. There are some good things and bad things about the movie though.
The way they filmed the movie like a documentary i think will help the movie. Although Cloverfield wasnt very big people liked it because of the homemade movie look. The movie i think will be very good.
The new movie Paranormal Activity sounds pretty interesting. Its different and thats what is most interesting. The girl standing motionless beside the bed beside Micah sounds super creepy. Also, the whole clock thing and the door sounds rediculous. Its also pretty interesting how it started with some small sided stuff but turned into this huge bargaim film.
Gourmet magazine i always thought was successful. My grandma has been getting it for years. Why did they all of a sudden cancel it. Like the guy said, why couldnt they give it a few months do bring up its ratings? Who know but i believe this is a stupid move on Conde Nast. But on the otehr hand if Ruth Reichl wants to write somewhere else then so be it.
It seems like print has ben slowly dieing during this decade. It has slowly converted to online media. My mom got out of the magazine business at the perfict time.
They invented a thing that is the sixe of a piece of paper that can hold all of your reading things.
I think that the horror movie Paranormal Activity will be a big hit at the movies. This movie is different than most horrors. They will be using a video camera that is hidden this makes the movie seem more realistic. Another reason that makes this story different is the setting takes place in the house throughout most of the movie. This seems like a good movie;I think that it will get good reviews for its creativity. If Steven Spielberg thinks its haunted it must be pretty scary. I hope that the new actors and the low budget wont bring it down.
The new paranormal movie seems to be a pretty scary movie. From the trailor it does look pretty real. I'm not really a fan of these kind of movies, but I may want to go see this one. The whole paranormal doesn't interest me as much a the reaction to the people and I want to see why these people are reacting the way they are.
The movie seems like it can make a fairly good profit because of how cheap it was to make and the popularity it is getting.
"Paranormal Activity" Has become huge in the media over the last few weeks. On myspace they were trying to get 1million people to click one simple button and fill out a fourm so the movie withh be played everywhere. Of course it happened i knew it would. That people coutnter went up hundreds every few minutes.
Also the amount of money this movie made when it went to theaters was insane. It costed $15,000 to make. AND THAT MOVIE GOT $20,000,000 million dollars in its first.
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