If you have a television show that is not on the list, you must email me and say why you think it is a worthwhile show to research. I will then decide if you can choose that show. And before you ask Nick, ALF is not a show that can be researched. There are only so many things you can say about a cat-eating alien from Malmac. But here is a halloween episode for you.
Once you have a show chosen or approved, you must post it to the blog.
I would like to do "Sportscenter". thanks
Mr. Faulk-
I think that Sportcenter is a great choice! Have you ever seen the original broadcasts? The show has changed so much-- and for the most part, helped to establish ESPN as a brand.
Mr. Cullen
can i do "Lost"?
I would not like to not do ALF
but seriosly im thinking of pee-wees play house or M*A*S*H witch do you like
I would like to do "Married with Children"
Mr. Shuba,
I think that Lost is a good show to choose-- and you have my approval. You might want to focus on how much the show has changed from the original season-- I know that you will be able to find a lot of information on it. I also have the first 2 seasons on DVD if you would like to borrow them.
I think that M*A*S*H would be the more interesting show for you to research-- and I think that you will really like. While Pee-Wee's Playhouse is interesting, that is stuff that there is not much to say.
ok thank you Mr. Cullen
i would like to borrow the seasons as well.
i'll do the real world i guess. even though curb your enthusiasm would be amazing :((((
I think that you will have a good time watching the Real World. Especially if you watch the first season and compare it to the most recent season.
No matter how much you want to do Curb Your Enthusiasm, it just isn't school appropriate.
I would like to do My So-Called Life.
I think that is a great choice! Even though it is very 90s, I think you will really like it.
cullleeeeeeen, email me and tell a former student of your fabulous adventures!
mr. cullen i would like to do the "Cosby Show". thanks
I don't have your email!!!
Mr. Cullen
My choices came down to three animateded shows. South Park, The Simpsons, and King of the Hill.
I want to do southpark i have only seen a few popular episodes of South Park and i really enjoyed it. The episodes are tie right into whats going on in our world today. I want to do my presentation on why South Park is not only a funny show but also an extremly smart show.
I want to do "Freaks and Geeks" because its a comedy and its directed by Judd Apatow who directed some of my favorite movies such as "Knocked Up." I want to do this show because Seth Rogan and James Franco are in it and they're two of my favorite actors. Freaks and Geeks also seems to have a brilliant story line.
I would like to do band of brothers because obessed with any ww2 films or documentrys. For some reason im so interested in learning all i can about ww2 and Band of Brothers would help me with that
I believe that "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" would be a brilliant show to document. I have heard nothing but great things about this and have seen a few episodes but have never dedicated myself to watching the show religiously. For the essay I would be either able to compare "The Daily Show" and other political shows, also with other comical political shows such as the "Colbert Report". Their is endless possibilities for what kind of paper I can right for this show. It is also an easier way to enjoy watching political show, because of the comical relief.
I would like to write about "The X-Files". The show seems very interesting.
Friday Night Lights is a great show! The reason why I want to do this show is because it is so much better then the movie. I am going to show you the difference between the show and the movie. The show had got good rating and bad. I think if it was on a different night then "friday night" it would get much better ratings.
"The X-Files" could be related to the "aliens on Earth" conspiracy as well as how some think the government is keeping things from us.
I would really like to do "Seinfeld" for multiple reasons. First, I have only seen the show a few times and would enjoy watching more of it, so this would be the perfect oppertunity. Second, from what I've seen, the show is hilarious and I am always up for a comedy. Last, I would really like to take the first season and compare it to the more recent seasons showing how the characters have changed and many other things. I am really excited about doing this show and hope it will work.
I would really like to do glee but if I can't do that I would like to do Felicity. Felicity looks really interesting it kind of reminds me of maybe a One Tree Hill. If i cant do Felicity i would like to do One Tree Hill. I could do One Tree Hill or Felicity because i never seen them and would like to watch them. I could do Glee and compare the first season to the uncoming season to see what changes there are due to more popularity.
I chose to do "The Price Is Right"
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