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Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
The Oscars, my favorite part of this night is the acceptance speeches. Especially by overly excited producers. I love when two people try to get up on stage and thank so many people until the music cuts them off.
I did enjoy whe was Ben Stiller made up to look like an Avatar character. And other comedian Introducers are great to throw little jokes in between awards.
It is now a quarter to 11 and I am going to bed. While the Oscars have been entertaining, there are more boring parts than interesting ones.
I also really liked Ben Stiller as a Na'vi. In fact, as of this point, I would say that it is my favorite.
so far the Oscars are amazing. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are so funny! I thought it was aslo funny when Miley Cyrus seemed she was actually nervous. This really surprised me because she is always in the spot light so she should be used to the pressure.
I hate Jennifer Lopez dress. it looks like they just added a bunch of fabric to the one side of her dress. This was the first time i actually watched the Oscars and i enjoyed all the entertainment like the dancers and the preformances. My favorite part was when they reconzied the writes and actors qho have passed away. It is nice to know that because they are gone they are never forgotten.
I first started to watch the Oscars at 8PM, I watched the red carpet opening and honestly I thought that this was one of the most boring and ridiculous things I ever watched. It was just a bunch of actors saying what type of dresses they wer wearing. Their is no reason that this segment should even be included in this.
The Oscars are not bad, I enjoyed how well Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin complement each other. The opening the segment of the awards show that was the comedy with Baldwin and Martin was pretty funny. Although this was a strength to the Oscars almost everything else was not. It is just a bunch of serious actors making some stupid jokes and awarding Oscars to people who your average person would have no idea who he/she is. I found the Oscars very boring except for the occasional shining moment.
I never actually thought I would be able to stay up and watch the whole Oscar viewing, but I am. I cant stop watching it. Steve Martin and Alex Baldwin are hilarious! They work very well together, both unique and very funny. The Oscars made a great decision by choosing these two amazing actors as the hosts.
I really enjoyed Ben Stiller pretending to be an Avatar. This moment was very fun to watch. One moment I thought was really cool to watch was the movie song dancers. These guys were awesome. People were flying and flipping all over the place. The show's comedian jokes were outstanding this evening. I am glad to see my two favorite movies, AVATAR & The Hurt Locker has won many awards. The eighty-second Oscar awards were, in my opinion the best!
ALthough I didn't think it was possible, I was EXTREMELY overjoyed to see Sandra Bullock win the Best Actress award. The Blind Side was an excellent movie that would not have been as successful if it wasn't for the highly skilled acting of Bullock. I'm sure that many people were surprised by this win, but I bet many people were pleased with this win as well. What was interesting was that Sandra had won the Worst Actress Award at the Razzies the day before. But, I don't believe this was a the biggest surprise last night.
What was the most jaw-dropping moment was the winner of the Best Director Award, Kathryn Bigelow. Beating James Cameron and Avatar, even Bigelow looked shocked as her name was announced for her movie The Hurt Locker. I was EXTREMELY surprised for I assumed that since Cameron had the top two money-making movies, that he would win hands down. Again, America has been surprised by a force from "behind."
i am so glad that sasndra bullock won really the best sctress award. she really diserved it. her performance in the Blind Side was amazing.
I think that this movie was the best movie that she ever played in. her speech was also very good. overall, i think that sandra bullock is the best actress.
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