The film Temple Grandin is bringing more awareness to Autism. Here is an interesting article about it from the Post Gazette.
This is an article about the late writer J.D. Salinger. It is also from the Post Gazette.
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The article discussing the autism was very informative. Although I knew what it was, I never truely understood what people with it thought. Temple Grandin uses very interesting methods of processing what she hears. This was very interesting to me.
Actually I was suprised to dicoverthe different methods of thinking of people with autism. Images, mathematics, music, and work are just a couple examples of what some may use to think through everything that they hear.
I think that the article about J.D. Salinger was VERY good!!!! I also think that it is really neat how an author, who probably had better things to do with his time, took some of his time to respond to the girl's letters. It always seems, especially nowadays, that celebrities are too good or too busy for their fans. J.D. Salinger is a great person in my eyes for what he did.
I also like the fact that Salinger acted like another father to this girl. Giving her simple advice on boys to even more in-depth advice about marriage and college. Salinger must have really enjoyed keeping in contact with her to the point where he had her to his house! That would never happen today! All in all, this makes me slightly change my opinion on celebrities and I hope that some of them become inspired by this great deed.
I thought that the first article about autism was way more interesting than the second one about J. D. Salinger. I am glad there is a movie that is being made on autism. I think people should be more aware on autism and other disorders. After reading the article i feel more aware on the different ways of thinking in the brian of autism.
The article on the letters i think i thought it was boring because it was hard for me to follow. I did however think it was nice how he wrote back to the girl because it made her feel special to know that he wrote back to her when he could have been doing a million other things.
The autism article was really informational. While knowing many people who have autism, I really never understood this disorder. My cousin has autism and boy is he a mystery. I have read many books about autism in my life time because of him. Growing up I've always wondered what he really was thinking in his mind. Although he has a milder case of autism, it still reflects his right doings. After reading about Temple Grandin, I now think differently about autism.
Temple Grandin used interesting studies from her collected data. I was shocked to hear that only 1 out of 110 autistic people actually get jobs in their life. This made me wonder about my cousin. How people with autism go about living their lives is beyond me. Temple Grandin surly has blown all the statistics out of the water with her astonishing achievements. Till this day she still shocks everyone's minds of what she is capable of accomplishing with this awful disorder known as autism.
I really think that Dr. Grandin is a remarkable person because of her autism and how she was able to overcome all of that. She has more sucess then most people do with a regular brain.
This article really discribes how people with autism can use there brain just as well as normal people. This women prooved it.
Dr. Grandins story is amazing people that has autism have a lot to improve on. Some of the things she did are remarkable to me. The way she process stuff in her mind is crazy. I wish I could make things out to be pictures like she does.
I feel that she has rare type of autism. People like her dont come around often. I feel that every person that has autism should be able and try and get a job, maybe with a little more assistants. Everybody deserves and chance.
The article on Temple Grandin is very informative on autism. I think its cool how she can see herself in an animals body. I never knew that autistic people could do stuff like that, i also think its interesting how she is a professor at a university so it shows shes very intelligent.
The movie looks intersting as well. It looks like Temples part is played extremely well. Temple will soon become the most famous autistic person in the world after this movie i believe.
J.D salenger really interests me now. I dont understand how an author can write three books and disappear. But i really think its kinda cool. He let people read his works and love them without going around bragging about those works.
Although it is quite sad that he only reappeared because of death, i am very interested to see if he has more books. Also his ideas on celebs are right on.i love that he took time to write to a pen pal girl. This shows that hhe does care about his fans, unlike many celebs.
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