Disney is changing their policy on what types of movies they are funding.
Here is another article about a Disney movie- the upcoming Alice in Wonderland.
Since we seem to have a Disney theme going on, here is the trailer to a documentary that will soon be released about Disney's animation studio from 1984-1994.
Disney has had their rough spots throughout its existance. This is demonstrated in the trailer for "Waking Sleeping Beauty". Disney had hit a rough spot when suddenly they started to dish out amizng animations which really boosted their reputation. They always manage to bounce right back.
Disney is once again in that situation in which they need to bounce back and make a brilliant animation. They have had successful movies over the recent past, however none of them have lived up to the expectations of movies like they were releasing in the late 80s and early 90s. I have always been a big fan, as Lion King and etc. were the movies of my childhood. Thier is no doubt in my mind that Disney has a group of movies that a hits just waiting to be produced into movies.
I personally think it is time that Disney tried something new. And actually this move to funding certain movies seems to be a step in the right direction. Although having some of the most successful films of all time, Disney has recently hit a few speed bumps along the way. But they are very good at recovering from any mistakes they make.
My only concern is that Disney will become too picky with their movie funding choices. They may miss out every once in while in a movie that brings in a lot of money. But, I guess that would be better than funding a movie that won't even pay the bills. All in all, Disney is most likely making the correct move and will probably stay one of the most successful companies of all time!
I think Disney's new poilcy is a smart choice. Most of Disney's best movies have some sort of merchandise to go along with it. Even "Pirates of the Caribbean" has countless toys behind it. All of Disney's classics already had something else to sell somehow so why not keep it that way?
Disney also had some good movies where none of that could've happened though. Although this number is small, it's undoubtedly there. But since this number IS so small it'd be better and safer to go along with the movies that can give more money than others. It seems some sequels will be missed though, and after "Old Dogs" I doubt Disney would be doing much with those kinds of movies anymore.
I think its good that some theaters in Europe will boycott the movie. The window with the dvds needs to be longer because the theater will loose profit if it the dvds hit home markets so early.
I understand what disney is doing though. The movies now are not the same as the old classic ones. Its hard to promote a disney movie without kids things.
I think it was amazing to see how ,uch work there is in an animation. It was surprising to see that at one point disney animation was droping in success becausse they are so good now. It was neat to see tim burton in the video clip. I love the so many of the disney animattion movies.
I think it is a good idea to see how they want to make the movie come on DVD faster. I can see both sides of the eruope theaters why they want to not go along with it and why they do. They are going to lose a lot of money but I think people would love to see movies come out faster than they have in the past.
Alice in Wonderland is making a bog mistake releasing the movie on dvd sooner. The reason why is because if its a good movie no matter when they release it people will buy the movie. Its a kids movie, kids are going to want there parents to buy it for them. They will lose a lot of money in the Europe Nation if they do this.
I feel since the movie is in 3-D way more people are going to want to see it in theaters then on dvd in my opinion. Who am I to tell them what to do they are Disney. I mean they do have a documentary coming out!hahah
I think its cool how Alice in Wonderland is releasing its DVD early. They may lose money but the fans will be happy. I think Alice in Wonderland will be one of the most successful movie in the next 6 months. Tim Burton is usually successful and Johnny Depp is a great actor.
I think the movie theatre owners in Europe have a right to be mad, But everything should be about the fans. The owners should understand that though. The movie may lose money in theatres but will gain it all back on the DVD.
Releasing DVDs sooner would make more money for disney. If i hear all the hype about a new movie coming out and never get to see it in theaters i will definatly buy it in stores. Think about it, Avatar came out a little while ago for about 2 weeks everyone was obsesed with it. i myself havent gone yet but if i see Avatar of the shelf in walmart one day im gonna buy it.
The main point is that disney can use the marketing campaign they used for when the movie first came out to thier advantage in selling DVDs. Also if people talk about the movie enough you will want to see it sooner without going to theaters.
Disney has come to a halt in it's chapter. Not to many good films are being made by Disney lately. This is saddening because all i remember as a kid was watching great Disney movies. Ideas have run down since the sad death of Mr. Walt Disney, but this isn't a great excuse for this mess up. Disney needs to try new things.
I believe this new film funding idea Disney has is a great one! This is a great change for the better. Disney needs to hold back and be patience when producing a new film. Disney taking over Pixar was a great move on them. Having more ideas and films flowing in and out of theaters will bring more money and advertisement to Disney productions. Disney is and hopefully will always be the best films in my opinion.
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