First and foremost, I would like to wish all of you a Happy Valentine's day! Due to the fact that we did not meet at all last week (I have had enough snow for 2010!), I doubt that many of you will be checking the blog Sunday- and be ready for a quiz Monday. Your quiz and posting on this update will be due Tuesday (2.16.2010).
The new Harry Potter? Percy Jackson is gaining some attention...
Very sad news for fans of Deadliest Catch.
NBC paid a lot of money for Olympic coverage. Will they make their money back?
Although projected to be an excellent movie reaching ratings close to or even beyond “Harry Potter”, I don't really think that “Percy Jackson and The Olympians” is actually going to be that successful. There's something about the previews and commercials I've seen that I don't like. It seems to me that it may be another "copy cat" movie. How many times can they use the same scenario but with different characters and setting? But, I am also not saying that I don't think it will be successful.
I have actually read the book by Rick Riordan that the movie is based on and thought it was very well written and had a great storyline. But it's not too often that a GREAT movie will come from a GREAT book. The “Harry Potter” movies had a little bit of luck on their side. But also, Chris Columbus did direct one of the “Harry Potter” movies along with this one. I guess I'm indecisive of my true opinion on this upcoming film and will just have to see it for myself to decide if it was worth the money to see it.
I just finished reading the first Percy Jackson book and I hope that the film is successful. While I do not think it is as well-written as the Harry Potter novels (JK Rowling did a much better job of creating her "world"), I really like the ideas of the novel. The Odyssey is one of my favorite stories and I am glad that students are learning/getting excited about Greek Mythology.
There have been many attempts to rekindle the success of Harry Potter, but they have all failed. Maybe this one will be the one that "sticks".
I believe that any network that would even debate trying to bid for the olympics to be shwon on would be a complete mistake. I can't speak for everybody but i would never sit down and watch the winter olympics. Today I sat down and watched "Luging", after i had did this I felt like I had wasted a quality five minutes of my life.Very few events in the olympics are still credible. The only sport I would even think about watching would be hockey.
Another reason the investment is a mistake is the competetion that these games have. While these are on, the games are rivaling NBA All-Star Weekend on TNT, Penguins Hockey on FSN, Nascar on FOX, and NCAA Men's and Women's Basketball on the family of ESPN Networks. All this is just this weekend too. The olympics are important and smart to have, however they are not as entertaining as they once were.
I think the Percy Jackson movie can do better than Harry Potter movies. The Harry Potter world seems to never be fully understood by most people. It seems to be hard to relate to the Harry Potter world. In the first Harry Potter book, things seemed so strange. To me, it was difficult grasping the way the Potter world worked.
The Percy Jackson world however, will most likely have better luck. There have been many stories on Greek Mythology and I think people can understand and relate to it better. I did not read any of the Percy Jackson books, however I am a fan of Greek Mythology and will be able to understand the creatures they face better than some of the creatures in the Harry Potter books. This world was already created and able to be built upon, which I believe would have some advantage. I honestly think Percy Jackson will have about the same success as the Harry Potter movies.
Although put out to be very similar to the well known series "Harry Potter", I don't believe "Percy Jackson and The Olympians" will live up to the already high standards from "Harry Potter". I have not read "Percy Jackson and The Olympians", therefor I am not sure what it is all about. Seeing the commercials and reading the reviews for it, it seems to resemble "Harry Potter". I just don't find the advertisements for "Percy Jackson" to be that good. "Harry Potter" is an amazing series, and cant be matched. Being a huge "Harry Potter" fan I just cant see this movie becoming very popular.
I have heard mixed reviews about the book, but most of the time the actual movie doesn't hold up to the book. I will most likely read "Percy Jackson and The Olympians", just not waste my money on seeing the film. "Harry Potter" was so successful that directors all over the map have been trying to copy or come close to similar topics. I very much doubt this will ever happen. There is no match for "Harry Potter". "Percy Jackson and The Olympians" will have to be an outstanding film and capture the eyes of many if it wants to even come close to "Harry Potter".
I never got into the deadliest catch but i watched a view episodes. I liked the show because it has to deal with the dangers of catching anything in the ocean espicialy crab in alaska. Its sad that Phil Harris died because he was the captain and the show will be different.
Since the show is one of the most popular shows on the discovery channel, I still believe it will be big or bigger then it was befor. Because now people who havent watch the show can get details on it and maybe become interested.
Nothing will ever be better then Harry Potter. they are trying to make the same theme almost and its not goin to work at alll. Hopefully they changed there mind all about what they are goin to do with Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Maybe if they make a book out fo it first it might workout better. Harry Potter is amazing and nothing well ever be better.
Ps- your other to blogs are blocked.
It is kind of a shame how no one watches the olympics. I mean the only reason i watch is for hockey and some snowboarding. Most of the other sports no one even knows about, until someone dies doing it. It is sad that i had no idea what luging was until a man died during it.
I would much rather sit down and watch scrubs or something else on tv instead of trying to follow a sport i never knew exsisted. NBC definatly got screwed by the deal.
I am not surprised the other movies have not topped Harry Potter. There is just something so intersting about the series that keeps you wanting more. I just think the population of Harry Potter lovers will not take well to this copy cat show.
I also think that Harry Potter had an advantage with our age group because we grew up reading the books which makes us fall in love with the movies. These books are the novels we first started reading in the sixth grade then waited for months to see the movies.
I never seriously watched Deadliest Catch but its sad that the Captain died, it was one of the more real, non scripted tv shows it seems. Deadliest Catch seems like a very intense show, and i think it will still maintain the same ratings.
There will be more questions that have to be answered for the show though. Who will be the new captain? Will it still be discovery channels hit show? I belive it will, i know alot of people who love the show.
i used to watch the deadliest catch with my dad. I like the show because it is so dangerous. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
I was so sad when the captian died. they were like part of the family.
i used to watch the deadliest catch with my dad. I like the show because it is so dangerous. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
I was so sad when the captian died. they were like part of the family.
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