This article is about a new HBO miniseries from the makers of Band of Brothers.
Here is an article from a few weeks ago about a video game that has its roots in classic literature.
South by Southwest was held this weekend. Read about it here.
Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
I have played Dantes Inferno and its really not that good of a game. The graphics aren't that good and its pretty unrealistic, your a normal size guy with a sythe 3 times as big as you.
The story of the game is really good though and the graphics when your not actually playing are amazing too. In one scene a persian ninja sticks his sword through your dads eye and it looks very real. I think alot of people will like Dantes Inferno and it will be the next great adventure game just because of the story line.
Although I have never been too interested in video games like, "Dante's Inferno", the gane looks quite interesting. Although it may look like any normal fighting game the way it's described makes the reader want to immediately go and buy the game just to see if the game description is accurate. The most appealing of these are that the gamer has the ability to save or kill famous figures from the past.
I believe what Tom Hanks and Steven Speilberg are doing with the war movies is brilliant. This will make the movie seem much more realistic and moving. With this change the viewers will understand more what war-life was like. This will appeal more to the crowd than past movies have, making these types of movies even more entertaining.
I, for one, am not a fan of the gory and bloody games like "Dante's Inferno." None of that weird stuff ever appeals to me. Personally, I think this society is weird and messed up enough without any of those types of video games. Yes, it may seem cool to send a weapon of your choice through the skull of the oncoming enemy, but who really cares. Unless you plan on being some kind of psycho bounty hunter, I don't think you're going to be needing these skills.
I would much rather play a sports game or even a racing/car game. Most of these types of games seem to be more fun, exiting, and are games that even after you "beat" them, you would play again due to all of the multiplayer options. EA needs to be spending more time and money on games like this rather than garbage like "Dante's Inferno."
I think the new mini series on HBO will be very successful. Like you said in class people like things that they can relate too. I also think this will be popular because people did like the Bands of Brothers. i think that this series will be really touching to people because people dont really undertsand what goes on in someone at wars life.
These blogs are really hard to follow. i think that you need to post more interesting topics. They blog about the networking was so boring and i couldnt understand it.
Band of Brothers was awesome. I dont have HBO sadly so i cant see the new show til History Channel buys rights to it. Thats how i saw Band of Brothers. It wa in the summer and History Channel showed the entire show in an all day marathon. I could not stop watching, it was like a movie but better.
So just by knowing how great Band of Brothers was i can be sure that The Pacific will be amazing as well. World War II intrests me greatly so i am very excited to see this new series. I plan to rent the first season after its done airing. SO NO ONE TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS!
The new game "Dante's Inferno" is not a game of my choice. I don't particularly believe in these types of games because there is all sorts of violence and religious views. I do enjoy the occasional gun shooting and war like games, but this game goes beyond that. Religion is a big part of this game. From a guy who goes to church every Sunday, I don't find this kind of action amusing.
The game "Dante's Inferno" is rated M for mature. This is the case for a huge reason. There is a lot of mocking and put downs on many people. It takes place in hell. This game has strong words that are not necessary. These types of games should not be made, and should not be placed in the hands of children. This is one game that will never be on my shelf.
Wold War II was my favorite subject to discuss in history class. i have been nearly obsessed with the topic since i watched a documentary on Pearl Harbor with my dad.
i have never seen saving private ryan, however i have seen multiple documentaries on WWII, and based on the article i think that the show will be a good one.
Band of brothers is my favorite show on television. I love WW2 movies and stories about war. I think the Pacific will be just as good as "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers". Tom Hanks and Steven Spielsburg have work together in both movies.
The " Pacific" is gonna be a really good series i think. Band of brothers was a success and i think the Pacific will be just as good.
I feel HBO willl be very successful in the pacific! Band of brothers was amazing and tom hanks was great in saving private ryan. I'm not sure with the palm trees you were talking about will work but we will see. One thing that makes me wonder if it does great will they make moe then 10. I think if it does good they will. It makes me wonder whu did they put it on HBO and not try to get a regular tv station. And by the way I watched hurt lockers last night and it was really bad
I actually like Dante's Inferno, and find it very clever how they put the "celebrity" souls in Hell. It seems to be following "God of War" with fighting well-known figures, only this time moving from Greek mythology to something a bit more current.
As for the game itself, I like it. It isn't meant to change games, and as long as you aren't looking for graphics (Which, in my opinion, is one of the least important aspects of a game) then you can enjoy this game rather well. However, this game does present unnecessary images and language, which could be toned down a bit.
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