Playstation is releasing a controller to compete with the Wii.
This is an interesting article about Conan O'Brien- a glimpse into his personal life.
Wiz Khalifa is in the news. I think this short article really hits on the future of the music industry.
Here is a very short article about an upcoming movie that I am very excited about...
I haven't heard about wizs new mixtape but I'm a huge fan of him and have heard most of his stuff. Wiz is one of the best rappers out there and not to many people know of him but now I'm glad there starting to. Warner bros did him wrong because his two newest albums haven't bin as good as his past mixtapes.
It's good to see a local Pittsburgh rapper getting the hype he deserves. There hasn't been too many successful western Pennsylvania rappers and now wiz is going to be one of the biggest in the world.
What really makes me mad, is that today in the marketing world, companies continually compete by copying each other! This new Playstation controller is the perfect example of this! I think it's an extremely stupid strategy and actually hope that this is unsuccessful for Playstation.
I was very impressed with the Wii when it came out because it was different. Different is ALWAYS successful when it comes to profit-making for a company. Of course, Nintendo couldn't hold that originallity forever due to other "copy cats" like Playstation. As you can tell, I am very upset about this topic.
The newest piece of equiptment for Playstation is cool but has already been done. Although this new quality looks cool Wii already did it. No matter what way you look at it, Playstation only did this because of the success of the Wii. They stole the idea just to recieve the same benefits that the Wii recieved. I believe this will end up being a big bust for Playstation because people won't buy this because it was copied. I love Playstation and all its products, but this was not a wise decision.
Wiz Khalifa is just one of the many artisits who are making it because of Twitter and Youtube. Many artists have been discovered because of these sites, but Wiz is going to run his career on this. This is a great idea because this will help get his name out their more. Youtube and Twitter is more worldwide allowing his popularity to spread. This will soon lead to many artists to do this. It will not be long until many musical artists are switching to this idea to further their career.
I completely agree with Claney. Sony is really starting to show signs of weakness in this "console war" thing. The entire reason the Wii was a success was because of it's unique style and it was something no one had ever seen. It was a different way to play games. Nintendo always tries to create new ways to play games, and they're good at it!
Now I think that without a doubt in my mind that this Playstation Move will be unsuccessful. First, a Wii is much cheaper the a PS3, there is already a huge library of games to the Wii available, and it will typically be the same thing I have been playing. Even the controller looks like a Wii-Remote and Nunchuk. Not to mention that the people who bought a PS3 probably don't WANT motion control or else they would've gotten a WII.
I actually do hope they fail with this, like Claney. It shows unoriginality, and the fact that they're trying to take some of Nintendo's profit with the Wii.
I notice that a lot of you are bashing Playstation for seemingly copying the Wii Remote.
Do you think that the Wii and PS3 have the same target audience? I always saw the Wii as a family-gaming console that did not focus on graphics-- whereas the PS3 was a graphics focused (HD output) that did not really set out to change the way we play games, as much as changing how we see games.
Have you heard about the new Xbox that won't have a controller? here is an article about it:
Hey everyone! Hope the weekend was great for you all! Anyways, I read the wiz article because I'm a little fan. I went to his concert and enjoyed it. I think that since he released the album by himself really tells other musicians that they don't need a big record company to put out their music.
I never knew why people called him but is music name other then his real name. I think it real cool has he goes by his pen name instead of his real name
I think that the play station wand is copying wii! If I was Nitendo i would be pretty mad. I think that they are trying to make playstation like the wii to help make people more fit because with the wand it gives you more chances to move around and be more active.
I like the fact that wiz is bettering his career. He is a great artest and comes from our area. I think it is a good idea that he follows twitter because that allows him to be more personal with his fans.
Playstation Move is a great idea, i believe that it will bring a new type of audience to Playstion. Now playstion can compete and beat the wii with this remote, the main reason i say that is because with this remote players can be more involved and benifit from the great graphics sony has already made.
I hope that more games will become involved with the Playstion Move. I know that first person shooter will be very popular.
I myself is not a fan of copying. The Wii came out with this type of controller first. The reason I believe Sony came out with this controller for PS3 because of the success of the Wii controller. The main reason i play the Wii is because of the controllers.PS3 has much better graphics than Wii, so if its awesome on the Wii then it will be awesome on PS3.
The Wii game system has been out for quite some time now, along with PS3. Knowing that all these years have gone by, Sony is only coming out with an almost exact product. Where has the last few years of technology gone? I am all for the new PS3 controller, but the Wii will always be the original.
I think that Joss Whedon is a great director. As shown by my project, i really like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think that Joss will do an amazing job directing the Avengers.
I am personally not a fan of the marvel comics. I never really got into them. My brother watches them all the time and owns most of the marvel films. I think it will be a good movie, but i guess we will have to wait and see.
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