Here is an article from the post gazette about the upcoming fall tv schedule.
This is another article from the post gazette (I am trying to keep it local!) about zombies charing money for autographs (it will make sense when you read it!). [ If you remind me in class, I will tell you the story about when I met Greg Brady at a convention and how he was "charging for autographs". ]
Here is a short article (to make up for the longer zombie article) about the Emmys and changes they made to make it better. If you get a chance, remember to watch it! 8pm on CBS.
3-D television in the home? Read about it here.
About the Emmys..... ugh I really dont care about other people getting awards. I don't know why,I gues I get jealous or what not. I remember trying to watch the emmys last year, it was so draged out and it maded me tired, so I went to bed about a hour into it. Hopefully this years host, NPH, will make it a much more fun experience for those who feel like wasteing there sunday night on the Emmy's. (I know I wont.) And we all know that Familly Guy will not make it. It is a shame, because Seth Green is actually a very funny person. Hes short but funny. Now that I think about it, Football is on, so I won't even be able to watch it.
I am watching the Emmys right now and I am extremely bored. Boo. NPH is funny about 1/3 of the time, which means that I am wasting 2/3 of my evening!
i've been a fan of zombie movies my whole life but have never heard anything so stupid in my life. Switch the topic to the music industry really quick, half of the GOOD bands never even make it to become known yet this "machete zombie" feels he can charge 20$ for his autograph? Hopefully some day someone will come up and ask him who he is, then when he tells them, the person walks away like it never happened. The role isn't called extra so you can charge extra money for you to write your name on a piece of paper. I'm sure the 19 second role really kicked of your career Mr. Lies.
Now the Emmys, i was just flicking through the channels and saw NPH singing some song, i love that guy i really do, but Emmy's are not my thing. I actually used to Watch "How I Met Your Mother" like a year ago, but i haven't really had time to watch it since so maybe it got better? worse? is NPH even funny anymore? i'll tell you one thing, i'm not going to watch people get trophies for 3 hours to find out.
I'm glad that Don Mischer is trying to speed up the Emmys and make them more exiting. Last years Emmys was very slow and flat out boring. I only watched a bit of this year's Emmys but it was much better than the previous.
It was interesting to see what surprises will be in store for the Emmys. Will Kanye West randomly run on stage and interrupt a speech. I really hope the surprises don't go THAT far.
There are a lot of new TV shows that I am excited for. Looks like a lot of Drama and Comedy this fall. I am very excited for the Cleveland Show. I love family guy and so I think this show will have a similar concept only starring Cleveland!
Three Rivers also seems interesting. It is a doctor/ hospital that is supposed to take place in Pittsburgh. Although most of it was most likely shot in California. Cougar Town looks interesting. An older lady that is attracted to young boys... hmm. Seems like a version of desperate Housewives with grandmas.
I still can't decide if I like the Emmys. Last year was extremely boring and just flat out not intersesting at all when it was hosted by Tom Bergeron. I watched some of this years Emmys with NPH, but I still wasn't impressed. Of course I was dissapointed that Hugh Laurie didn't win the best actor in a drama, which he deffinately deserved, but that just made my impression of the Emmys worse. Even without all the promises of surprises and such at this years emmys, which I never saw, they sucked. There are not many things that I fall asleep while watching, but this is one. Yes, the Emmys were a BIT better than last year, and Don Mischer did make it a LITTLE more exiting, but.............. it sucked.
Emmys? The emmys are on tv every year. I understand people like to see who is going to win an emmy. Especcialy if they watch the show and like that person. But I am sure it is 100% more fun if you are actually at the emmys because you could be someone getting one. The emmy's always pick a different host and this year is was NPH, im not going to lie sure he was funny, but it was defiantly a waste of my trime watching this because i did not really enjoy it at all. This year it was the 61st annual Emmy's award night. I would have thought after 61 years they could of found a way to make it funnier and more enjoyable.
The following shows won Emmy's
◦Outstanding Comedy Series: “30 Rock”, NBC
(I am very glad to hear that this show won because alot of people enjoy this show.)
◦Outstanding Drama Series: “Mad Men”, AMC
(I have never really watched this show let alone heard of it. But if they won the outstanding drama series they must have been good)
◦Reality-Competition Program: “The Amazing Race,” CBS
(I used to watch this show every season but I have not for a few seasons but when I watched it it was excellent so I am glad to hear that the won a emmy.
◦Actor, Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, “30 Rock,” NBC
(30 Rock again! Im pretty sure they were glad to win two emmy's ecpesccialy by the looks on their faces when they got called up again!)
◦Actress, Comedy Series: Toni Collette, “United States of Tara,” Showtime
(She is a funny comedist but i do not think i would of picked this show to win. But that is my opinion)
◦Supporting Actor, Drama Series: Michael Emerson, “Lost,” ABC
(Lost I have watched this show every season and by far this is my favorite show. I cannot wait until the new season comes on. Last season was a good season but it was a little hard to follow But Hence the title of the show "LOST")
◦Supporting Actress, Drama Series: Cherry Jones, “24,” Fox
(I used to get into this show alot, but not much anymore. I just do not find it interesting like i did the first and second season.)
◦Supporting Actor, Comedy Series: Jon Cryer, “Two and a Half Men,” CBS
(This show is very funny and i like it alot. Im glad to see he won the supporting actress because this show is funny and he makes it funnier)
◦Supporting Actress, Comedy Series: Kristin Chenoweth, “Pushing Daisies,” ABC
(Obviously this show was not to good because it got cancelled. I don not think this person should of won this award at all the y should of given it to someone who's show is still on Air)
I cant wait for the new season of tv shows coming this fall. Even though there are remakes for medical shows the new comidies will make up for the remakes. I dont think Leno will have a problem with ratings when the new shows air because Leno is a well known tv host.
If Leno were to air five days a week,I think he will affect the ratings for "The Tonight Show" because most people go to bed around 10:30-11p.m. I think the new show "NCIS Los Angeles" will be a hit series to tv premiering on tuesday night at 9pm after the orginal hit series "NCIS".
I don’t think that any of the new TV shows look good. I haven’t found a series that I am faithful to watching since Friends. The only other show that I just watch because it is on is two and a half men, because my family is obsessed with it. I find it hard to follow shows like desperate housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, and CSI Miami because most of the time the shows are so unrealistic and overwritten that I am just either bored or completely not into it. I’m not into dramas at all, I would rather watch a comedy, which I haven’t found a good one yet. None of the shows that are up on the fall preview list don't really give me much hope to find a show that I will really like.
Absolutely, 3-D has been more prevalent in theaters with movies including “Up” and “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” sweeping the big screens. Two dozen 3D releases are intended for the next two years, and this may spark interest in the upcoming 3-D televisions. However, I agree with some critics who argue that the technology isn’t where it needs to be to competitively hit the market. In a few years, after the equipment is perfected, the innovative televisions will surely make their way into living rooms. 3-D offers a new perspective to the viewing experience. In a time when, more and more, television plays a huge role in people’s lives, improvements on that experience are already anticipated by watchers.
The most troubling problem is the glasses. I feel they need the most attention from Sony and Panasonic to make their efforts a success. Being someone who gets sick with some 3-D glasses, hearing about “strobing glasses” just makes me nauseous. Besides, some think the aspect of glasses will be unattractive to consumers. Today people have to juggle half dozen remotes and surely don’t want the added hassle of glasses. With a little luck and a lot of money, companies will revolutionize television. Most frightening of all are the effects the new technology will have on people. With heightened realistic viewing, more time devoted to watching is surely going to effect. This scenario reminds me of previews from the upcoming movie “Surrogate” where people watch life instead of living it. While I’m not expecting anything as dramatic and devastating like the preview, I think the hold television has on our society may sprout a bad outcome.
The new tv shows appearing on the air this fall will be a good addition. The shows on now are older and most all of them are re-runs which begin to become boring. I believe that the shows airing will be very good. I am big into watching the medical shows. They are interesting sometimes.
Glee i believe is not going to be the most popular show but will be in the top just because it is more of a teenagers show with the musical atmosphere to it. The Jay Leno Show i believe will sadly have some problems with viewers just because it isnt that funny but it does interest some people. The Three Rivers will be a big hit just because it is a new medical show and people want to see how it is and find out if it is worth watching.
The horror conventions sound like an easy way to make money for a lot of "not so known" actors." I think its ratehr funny taht Mr. Lies went to his first convention and sold a whole stack of his signitures for $5 each. He was surprised that people remembered who he was. I also am surprised.
The part that amazes me the most is that he now owns a production company. And he says people take double takes and recognize that he was the machete Zombie. I have seen that movie plenty of times and i would never have recognized Mr. Lies. Also, i find it fascinating that some unknown actors can make over $5,000 durong a single convention.
The Fall lineup sounds like the same stuff. I didn't hear to maney fresh new ideas. They just take the old shows change the acters and the names and call it a new show. Flashback looks like a new consept.
I watched a few minutes of the Emmys and I did not enjoy them because all they were talking about were dead people. granted it was the last half hour of the program. I didn't watch the show long enough to see who won what awards. Who ever hosted the emmy's should have just of put football on primetime because i would bet that their ratings would have been higher than they were. Who wants to watch people get awards that basically mean nothing?
I don't watch the emmys. It is so pathetic to watch all the actors and actresses come out for their so called "award". I wish someone could tell me exactley what their accomplishments are, like so many other modern day entertainers only those in the mainstream get the credit. There are so many talented musicians and performers who never get recognition.
3-D television? I don’t think that this will go far. This seems like the type of thing that will sound really cool but will never happen. This has a higher rate of coming out in the future than eating food out of cups with straws. I think that it is a hassle to have to use cameras with two lenses, and having to buy glasses to watch the TV. It would be better if they could make 3-D television possible without the glasses. This would probably increase their sales.
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