In addition to the test that you will be having on Tuesday, there will be a current events quiz on Monday. Just like the other Monday quizzes, you will be able to write 20 things on a 3x5 notecard to help you on the quiz.
After you read all of the articles, write a two paragraph response on one of the articles. This is not a summary-- it is what you think about the article and why you think that way.
I will be posting review materials for the test later this evening. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Read about Pittsburgh finally getting some recognition in video games here.
One of my favorite comedians is Bill Cosby. Here is a review of one of his recent stand-up shows. Be sure to watch the clip at the bottom-- hilarious!
Balloon Boy is making a lot of news. Here is an article from CNN about media exposure and its affect on children.
I hope that all of you had a great weekend!
The "balloon Boy" article was pretty interesting. I remember going home Thursday after school and seeing it on every channel. I don't get how his dad was working on the balloon and Falcoln somehow got into it and what they thought flew away in it. I think it's pretty funny that he was actualy in the attic the whole time though.
The media went crazy on the whole story however. Is it really that big of a deal that you have to interview the 6 year old boy on Good Morning America? Ecspecialy after he threw up.. oh man. And the name Falcoln, what a coincidence that it's his name and Falcolns do fly, atleast they thought so.
I believe that the Balloon story is being rewarded way to much publicity. I mean thats what they want, why give it to them? Personally that father should be knocked upside his head for the way he acts on some of those interviews. They wasted so much time interviewing that family. Even though the poor kid was in "lala" land for half of them.
If the kid did not slip on that interview and say it was for a show, then they would have stopped covering the story. So I bet that that was planned as part of the fathers little sceem for publicity. I mean why do something so stupid like that, and why do we have a balloon in our backyards so that our children can play in it in the firstplace?? People today worry me.
Since Thursday afternoon the “Balloon Boy” story has gotten worse each day. When I heard that this happened I laughed because I remember watching this family on the TV show Wife Swap. It didn’t surprise me at all that this happened to them. They were very different because of their lifestyle and parenting techniques. I felt bad for the kids for having to go with their parents chasing storms.
I think that they should have interviewed the parents instead of the whole family. It’s hard to keep all the kids from getting distracted and its also distracting to the viewers. I agree that Falcon’s vomiting was caused from stress. I hope that “balloon boy” disappears form this week’s news. It’s the best thing to do in this weird situation.
I think the whole thing with the balloon and the missing boy was a publicity stunt. To say that your son went up in the balloon and then you found him in the attic shows how bad you are at trying to attract attention to yourself. Especially when the kid was asked why he didnt come down from the attic and he said cause you guys said "we are doing this for the show". Six year olds dont come up with that on their own.
If the parents could only think of coming up with a story about their 6 year old son being in a balloon to try to attract attention to their family then there is deffinatley something wrong the parents. They will be lucky if this wont destroy the rest of their sons life.
I think the whole baloon boy thing is a total hoax. I belive the whole thing is crap. The kid was NOT in that stupid silver baloon everyone's been hearing about. I'm not buying any of this junk.
I also belive that the parents of this "baloon boy" are completely selfish and maybe the dumbest parents in America. First of all, your kid wasn't in a baloon and you know it. And even if he was, you're completely stupid for putting him in front of all this media. The kid is six years old and if you keep doing this you're going to tramatize him for life.
I think Bill Cosby should just relax, he doesn't need to be doing stand up anymore. He was in Greensburg either this year or last year and my parents went and said you could hardly understand him. He is really old and probably has as much humor as my own grandparents so I could just take a trip to nanas and pappys to get the amount of humor I would get from watching him. I just don't think his topics are all that creative, yeah, we get it, your old.
Don't get me wrong, I think Bill Cosby is funny but there are alot better acts that are out there and he had his time. Bill cosby is a good actor and comedian but I think his best place is on the cosby show, many years ago. He should just enjoy himself now, he already worked his whole life.
Like most, I found it really exciting to think of Pittsburgh being featured in a video game. The fact that our city would be engulfed in flames or be a mere effigy of itself was even cooler. Though I’ve never seen or even heard of “Fallout 3” or its extension, “The Pitt”, this article definitely made me curious. Though, I will get a better look at a destroyed Pittsburgh when the new “Call of Duty” is released. Our living room television will display nothing but ruined cities and massacred societies for weeks after my brother gets his copy.
After continuing through the article, I began to think about how strange it is that people think it an honor to have their city being destroyed in the video gaming world. If anything, the thought should be disturbing and offending. Maybe I shouldn’t want to see high quality images of destroyed cities, real cities. However, this fascination is meager in comparison to the lure of slasher films and gory horror movies. People want to see their world fall apart in videogames, just like they’ve loved seeing it fall apart in books and movies.
I first heard about the balloon boy Thursday night. Whenever I first heard about it I didn't know what it was talking about. THen the next morning I saw it on the news and found out what happened. The article explained to me what happened even better though.
How does this 6 year old boy make a balloon big enough for people to think that he took it for a ride? I don't think my first thought to where the boy would have been would have been in the balloon, but he could have been in the balloon.
Pittsburgh being in new videos games is pretty sweet. I think it has been becoming more popular since the Steelers and Penguins have become dynasties again. "The Pitt" sound interesting but i do not have "Fallout 3" so sadly i can not experience that. But the new Call of Duty coming out is going to be sweet. I hope Pittsburgh is given the spot light for parts of the game. It is our home town which is awesome.
Bill Cosby needs to take a seat. He's old and out dated. He was funny twenty years ago but now he is getting crude and gross. Making jokes about his oldness. I do not want to hear about his old people problems. Thats for him to know only. Also, if your lying on the floor telling a story during a stand up comedy. That is just pitiful.
The balloon boy was a very interesting article because it was something new. The parents though will be charged with several charges due to the search teams sent out. The whole thing was a joke and they took it way to far when they told people their son was still inside.
Several agencies and search teams were sent out to follow this balloon until it made its landing. They caught the basket falling out of the balloon to the ground. They thought that the boy was gone. This was a very good article to put on the blog because it shows how people can be at times.
"The balloon boy"
First off this family is 100% crazy. Their was so many things from the beggining that showed that this was all a hoaks. First off when ever the kids were outside video taping and the boy was like im getting in, the parents should of been out their watching them. Second off that was a ballon, who is to say that thing could even way the mear 40pds that the kid problay weighed, if the parents even feed those poor kids, And lasty when the father was releasing the balloon the "Whole" family was outside watching. If the kid would of been in the balloon the parents would of course noticed he was missing because this was so big for the father he wanted them to be here.
Now i also understand that the mother of the kids were suppose to tie down the balloon, and when they showed the video the acting sucked i would say. she was like ohh im sorry. and any other normaly family would of cut the tape and paniced but no to that guy "THE SHOW MUST GO ON". I belive that that father should be just taken away. he does not deserve children if he treats them like $#!t. But that is my views on "The balloon boy"
Pittsburgh being showed on videos games is pretty awesome. I have been a gamer for years and i have never seen it on any video games. Now, it is being used for TWO major games. One being Fall Out 3's THE PITT but what i am more excited for is Modern Warfare 2. I hope the steel City is given its spotlight for part of the game. THat would we awesome.
Secondly i believe Bill Cosby should end his comedy career. He is an old fart. He has to lay on the floor and tell a story, that is boring in my opinion. And also his humor is becoming more potty-ish and gross. Does anyone want to hear about his old man problems? I know i sure dont. So please Bill, do us all a favor and remain seated. We dont want your old man stink on us.
I just placed a blog, it better work this time
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