As per other current events readings, you are to post at least a two paragraph response to one of the articles. If you would like to comment on multiple articles, that is encouraged, as long as you have at least two paragraphs on one of them. You have until 1:00 pm on Monday to do this for your work to be considered on time.
Dave Chappelle's "friend" is in the news- read about it hear.
A producer from the David Letterman show is in trouble for extortion. Read about it here and watch David Letterman address the issue here.
The Seinfeld cast is reuniting on Curb Your Enthusiasm*. Here is an article about it.
*While this show is not school appropriate, the fact that the most popular comedy show in history is having a reunion is a worthwhile event to discuss. I can NOT recommend that you watch this show due to its language and adult themes.
My thoughts on the David Letterman issue are why do people really care what some aincient comedian does with his personal life. I mean hes got to be what 50 something and people are blackmailing him for haveing sex with workers outside of work. i would understand if it was like right there on his desk but no it was out side of the studio.
Another thing is Mr Letterman, seems to have alot of issues. From Blackmail to a stalker and something else I do not remember, but he seems to be a wierdo magnet. Hes not even that funny! >;] besides im sure he could afoard the 2 million dollar blackmail check anyways. Its not that big of a deal but hey its something to write about right?
I heard about David Letterman’s story on the radio Friday morning. When they played the audio I also thought that he was joking. The audience didn’t figure this out until he was almost finished with his story. When I watch his show I never know when he is joking or if he serious because his stories are so ridiculous. I can understand why the audience reacted that way.
I didn’t understand why someone would do such a thing and how they got the package into his car. Then when he told the audience that he had affairs I was shocked that he said that on live television. I also felt bad for his son and wife. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get a divorce. I also couldn’t believe Dave as that type of person. It grossed me out to think of him as a sugar daddy and having affairs with interns. In the end, I don’t know who acted worse, Letterman or Halderman.
I can't wait for Seinfield to reunite on curb your enthusiasm. I used to watch seinfield all the time, and i think it's awesome. I've also seen a few episodes of Curb Your Enthusiam, and Larry David is just hilarious to me.
I think it's gonna be a pretty big deal, because seinfields been off air, for what 11 or so years? and there are many fans of seinfield, so i'm sure the reuniting of the cast wil be pretty big.
The article that i have chosen was Dave Chappelle's "friend." The article is about the show Let's Make a Deal and it is debuting monday. The original was created by Stefan Hatos and Monty Hall who was the shows host back in 1963. Hall now serves as a consultant on the new virsion of the show. Which is hosted by Wayne Brady.
The game is the same as before. Members of the audience dress up in costumes and are invited to make a deal, trying to push their luck at choosing from multiole options. the goal of the game is to get the most you can and avoid worthless zonks. Hall has this saying for hosting the show that Brady has embraced. "The script is up here" as he points to his head that suits Brady. Since Hall is the consultant he is most likely going to appear on the show just like Bob Baker did with "Deal" and "The Price is Right."
I never was that into Seinfield. Although I did watch it from time to time on tbs when it came on. I have seen most episodes, My brother owns the first 3 seasons, and i've played the trivia pursuit game which i lost terribly in.
I may not like this show but its definitely going to be a big thing. So many people are going to tune in just to see the old crew back together. The only way that it will be funny is if they still have the personality they had in seinfield. It's had its funny moments, but its not something that i would get incredibly hyped up about.
I think the David Letterman issue is very unprofessional. If someone is willing enough to blackmail a world wide known comedian he has no clue what he is getting himself into. As we all found out he was arrested and has $200,000 bail posted and could recieve up to 15 years in prison.
I think Halderman only said he was going to do this so his name got out to the world and he became popular just to attract attention towards himself. To bring things out about somebodys life like his affairs with the people Letterman worked with, emails, and photos of women that Letterman worked with. I think it was very unprofessional of Walderman to do this and he should face maximum penalty for this incident that occured.
Larry David probably made one of the best decisions of his life when he decided to reunite the Seinfeld cast! Back in its day Seinfeld was easily the best comedy television had ever seen. Millions of people including myself watched that show on a consistent basis.
Curb Your Enthusiasm has been hilarious on it’s own for something like 6 or 7 seasons. Uniting it with Seinfeld will not only be extremely funny, but from the business side of things it will receive huge numbers of viewers. Great idea Larry David!
Larry David probably made one of the best decisions of his life when he decided to reunite the Seinfeld cast! Back in its day Seinfeld was easily the best comedy television had ever seen. Millions of people including myself watched that show on a consistent basis.
Curb Your Enthusiasm has been hilarious on it’s own for something like 6 or 7 seasons. Uniting it with Seinfeld will not only be extremely funny, but from the business side of things it will receive huge numbers of viewers. Great idea Larry David!
Though I’ve never seen an episode of “Let’s Make a Deal”, I have seen Wayne Brady, and he’s hilarious. He may be enough of a reason for me to give the show a look. I believe the most crucial aspect of the show’s success came from casting the host. Obviously, I think Brady was a preeminent choice.
In addition to his hilarity, his experience in improv form “Whose Line” is definitely an asset. The fact that Hall, the original host of the show, is working as a consultant is smart as well. Meshing Hall and Brady, I think, will ensue a smooth link between the updates and the original show. Outlandishly clad audience members and high-tension decision-making are bound to be noticed, and Brady’s excitement in his new venture will benefit the show.
The new show Let's Make a Deal with Wayne Brady doesn't sound too bad. The show has had a good bit of success since it ran for a couple of years consistently. They picked Wayne Brady because he is good with improvisations and I think he will do a very good job in this role. They haven't changed the rules of the game and this should attract people to the game that liked it before it was revived.
I don't think I would watch the show because I’m not really into game shows, but Wayne Brady is a pretty funny dude. I have never heard of the game show before reading the article, but from the way that they described the game it sounds pretty exciting!
The letterman problem I believe was a very important case. When Halderman took that money from him, he was bound to find out the amount that he took. He wasnt the smartest to take that much from him its really noticable. I believe it might have something to do with Lettermans affair with Stephanie.
Having so many affairs with co-workers i believe is not right for the work place. He should not be allowed to have an affair with any co-worker. It often distracts the workers in the area. He should think about the other workers and not just himself i dont believe that he was thinking during those time and now he is paying for it.
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" sounds like it is going to be a big hoot. Jerry Seinfeld is simply the man. I've never actually watched "Curb" because I simply do not have HBO. The last Seinfeld episode was made 11 years ago and i loved it. Im just excited to see what the cast is going to be like for the show.
The new show coming onto CBS sounds rather funny. I guess its been a successful show back in the day. It sounds spontaneous and halarious. People improvising is always a fun time. "Who's Line is it anyway" was a great show. Wayne Brady made the show a hit. Why cant he this time? Im expecting it to be a great success.
David Letterman's problem is extremly unprofessional. If someone is as crazy as this guy to blackmail a world wide known comedian he has no idea what he is getting into. As we all found out this guy was arrested and has $200,000thousand dollar bail. Also he could recieve up to 15 years in jail.
I think Halderman only said he was going to do this so his name got out to the media and he thought all of the attention would be switched to him. For him to bring out about somebodys life like his aff stuff about lettermans life including the people Letterman worked with, emails, and photos of the women that Letterman worked with. I think it was very unprofessional of him. doing this this guy deserves to spend along time in jail. Because nothing letterman has done included to him.
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