There will be a quiz on Wednesday. Normal rules apply: 3x5 card with 20 words on in it. Don't forget to post a two paragraph response to one of the articles.
Here we go!
Here is an interesting article that Paul found. [No quiz for Paul this week!]
V is new show based on a 1980s miniseries about aliens coming to Earth. Read about it here.
Def Jam Records is still relevant after 25 years...read about it here.
Ms. Rouse found this article. It isa few months old, but worth a read!
Jonathan Safran Foer is one of my favorite authors and he has a new book coming out this week. Here is an article about his first attempt at non-fiction. You do not need to read this article for the Current Events quiz-- I just thought that some of you might want to glance at it.
Thanks Mr. Gabler--
+2 for you!
The article about MySpace and facebook doesn’t surprise me. Each year the number of young teens that go on these sites gets larger. I think that young teens should be allowed to go on these sites just have more privacy than other users. I think this will help parents allow these users on these sites.
Features like Farmville, group invitations, quizzes and many others is another reason why young children are going on these sites. These features attract younger audiences rather than the audiences that they are trying to attract for Facebook and MySpace. I think that they should be allowed on these sites as long as their parents allow them.
Pauls article is something that has always kind of bothered me. On myspace, I get my 10 year old cousins and their friends requesting me, then stalking me. I can't stand that they have no sense of the danger they put theirselves in when they post things that everybody can see. So many younger teens/kids (under 13) post things that nobody needs to know.
The most stupid thing I have seen is that people post their phone numbers where anybody, not just their friends can see. I think that they should have some sort of system, I don't know what, that it is impossible to create an account unless you are over 13.
I think that the new Johnny Depp movies will not be very good. The only one of the three that I think will be even decent is Dark Shadows. I don't think that The Pirates of the Caribbean 4 will be any good just because they have gotten worse as they go. The 1st Pirates was good, the second was okay, and the 3rd was terrible.
I also don't think that the remake of Alice in Wonderland will be any good. When Johnny Depp remade the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory I thought that the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory from the 70's was much better. I think the same will be in Alice in Wonderland; the original from the 50's will be better than the Depp remake.
I think that the new Johnny Depp movies will not be very good. The only one of the three that I think will be even decent is Dark Shadows. I don't think that The Pirates of the Caribbean 4 will be any good just because they have gotten worse as they go. The 1st Pirates was good, the second was okay, and the 3rd was terrible.
I also don't think that the remake of Alice in Wonderland will be any good. When Johnny Depp remade the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory I thought that the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory from the 70's was much better. I think the same will be in Alice in Wonderland; the original from the 50's will be better than the Depp remake.
I think young kids making on-line profiles is more than a trend of little brothers and sisters trying to be like their older siblings. It is a sign of the times. Technology is changing the way kids learn and communicate. While cell phones were barely economical for my parents to have when I was in elementary school, I now see second graders texting on their Env Touches.
In my opinion, it’s okay for young kids to have some access to these sites. They are a generation whose success is solely measured by being tech-savvy. Internet and technology put a lot of information at the disposal of kids, but the technology they are using simultaneously allows them to adapt to the new ways society educates, manipulates, and allows people to interact with each other.
The world is changeing and socal networks are apart of life. A lot of people make friends online now. that could be a bad thing because ther is know way of knowing who the person is. People lie online all the time. So how yong is to yong for my space or face book. I would say under 13 is to yong for my space of face book They shoud make a socal network for kids and find a way to varify there age so you don't get sick people that use the site.
The article about the t.v. show "V" is an ok article. I likke how this show was a show in the 80's and they redid it to make it in mow a day words. ABC attempts to make this into a weekly series.
The show is aired weekly on Tuesdays on ABC at 8pm. Its starring Elizabeth Mitchell. The list of characters are a Roman Catholic priest, a FBI agent a finally a female leader of the Visitors who is Anna. So if you like alien shows than this shows good for you.
school computers blocked your site. im on a phone. i cant type 2 paragraphs or i'll get in trouble.
The article about the social sites was very informative. I agree with what they are they are saying about the ages. I believe that the age limit should be alittle lower. That is an idea that might help with the predator problems and other child problems in the world.
I think that they should make a site where younger people can join like a myspace or facebook. That way they can talk with people their own age and not have to be around older people. I dont think that would stop those people from making a myspace or facebook but it might work alittle better than what is going on now.
The article with the myspace and facebook is not a new thing. It seems like all the new technology being created also has a negative side. For example with cell phones, people started the "radiology cancer", and now with computer and myspace sites they say kids are not getting enough excercise and ruining the brain. Who knows if these are exscuses to get rid of the new technology or they are just real problems.
I think even if myspace and facebook didn't exist, kids minds would still be the same way, and it's just the way their age group grows.
Jonhnny Depp has been my hero ever since the first Pirates of the Carribean. Dark Shadows apparently is an old show which i have never seen. But if Johnny liked it im sure i would to. Also, Alice in Wonderland was one of my favorite fairy tales of all time. Mad Hatter was the man.
V seems like an interesting show. I watched the old movie the other day an it was a little odd yet entertaining. I hope the new one is more in depth and action packed. I will most certainly give this show a chance and watch it next tuesday at 8 on ABC. Aliens are very fascinating to me.
The Social Networking Sites article caught my eye. I honestly think that its a bad idea to get into that stuff at that young of an age but even i joined myspace when i was really young. I was 12 going on 13 when i made myself one. I'm not saying that kids shouldn't be allowed to go on or be a part of these sites but their parents should at least monitor them while there on it. Kids that young shouldn't be talking about stuff that their parents can't hear at that young of an age anyway. Yet again 11 year olds today are getting down and dirty and like smoking meth, so myspace would be the least on the parents minds. What a lovely country we live in.
I think Paul's article is very interesting. I never understood why parents let there kids go on these kinds of websites. I dont think parents understand the risk they are putting their child into by letting them put pictures of themselves.
I can understand why kids want a facebook or a myspace because when I was that young I would of wanted one to. They might of also wanted one because all of thier friends had one. I think parents should watch what there child is doing on the computer and put up parental control blocks on certain websites.
I believe that kids shouldn't be able to go on network sites,till they are like 14 years old. I think this, because that's when most kids develop common sense, Unless you are Josh Snyder. If that was a law, We would see a drop in children disappearing because they wanted to meat some creepy dude in a trench coat selling candy in return for help to find a lost puppy.
These network sites also are way to dramatic. there is always drama on them. You just can not escape it! and who wants their child depressed?
The article about myspace and facebook a revolution to me. As years go on it seems that every type of electronic has some type of mature aspect. Ranging from videogames to cell phones to online chatting databases as of myspace, facebook, my year book, etc. Cell phones have been known to now cause cancer due to the radioactive waves. With now involving videogames myspace and facebook studies show that kids are not getting enough exercise. This is beggining to cause a obesicity in the kids. No body knows if theese studies are completly trur. But i suggest we find out soon.
Myspace and facebook or not kids today are becoming lazier and lazier everyday and it is begginging to cause a problem.
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