Here is an update about an article that I posted last week. If you post to this entry, I will give you up to 5 bonus points (must be done by 5pm on Friday 11/20).
Welcome to Mr. Cullen's attempt at a blog. Instead of updating you with various happenings of my day and random philosophical discourses (like many other blogs), I will be using this page as a hub for all things related to my classroom. Throughout the year I will be posting worksheets, study guides, pre-quizzes and other helpful class-related items. Please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions.
I think it's good that she decided to end it. That show has been on far to long. She has her book club and she's starting her new network. So she will have pleanty of money. The show has run out of ideas if it dident then it wouldent be ending. My Grandmother has been watching it since it came out and even she said that it needs to end.
I think it is stuped for Oprah to cut her show. Even if she is starting her own net work she will not nearly get her as much money as she has now. I never watched her show in the first place but why would they mess up a good thing. I think what she should do is keep talk show on and put the network on. She will make twice the money.
I hate Oprah. I am glad she is taking it off the air. Dont as why i hate her. She has helped millions of people and she has done alot of good in the world. But her show is rather boring in my opinion. She probably is not getting the ratings she wants so she is simlpy trying something new.
After all of theese years. I found it wierd that Oprah would decide to end the carrer that she has worked so hard on to recieve. She is a very hitorical land mark due to her gernerous contributions that she has given. One episode that i will never forget it. YOU GET A CAR YOU GET A CAR YOU GET A CAR episode. Everybody in that audience must have been extremly happy.
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