The Road will be released soon. Here is an article from the Post Gazette.
Ahh..the infamous rhinestone glove of Michael Jackson.
This week we are going to discuss Garry Marshall's impact on television. As part of our "current events" quiz, please read his Wikipedia entry.
To tell you the truth I thought that the glove would have sold for mush more than that. I thought that with his death it would have sold for at least 1mill or more. I think that it should have been put in a museum with more of his stuff. The glove is not somthing that is never associated with him it always is. Garry Marshall i dont like any of the movies he directed. The TV shows I do like some of them. I like alot of the movies that he was in.
I understand people are huge fans of Michael Jackson music and I enjoy some of his stuff as well. But $350000 for a glove is extremely crazy. I understand that is a big part of who he is... or was, but that is crazy.
In this economy don't people have better ways to spend their money. You can buy a very nice house for that much, so why spend 350 grand on a glove. Bottom line is Hoffman Ma, you are insane.
I was surprised to see that the glove went for $350,000.00! I mean thats like about how much my grandparents combined wealth is. I mean why spend so much on a glove?? what are you going to do with it! I mean I doubt you are going to wear it.
I would use that money to move to england or for atleast a car that you can drive. i believe people become just a little obsessed with this kind of stuff, it reminds me of that guy who has a cup of Gene Simons spit and blood in his fridge.........
Ah i'm not surprised at the cost of the glove at all. Michael Jackson is worth millions, and the glove is a pretty famous prop of his. What you'd do with a glove? I have no idea.. i'd never pay $350,000. I think the best thing to do with the glove is give it to the Rock Hall of Fame.. been there before and it's awesomee.
The cinema premiere of “The Road” has certainly been long postponed. While researching for our projects, it was nearly impossible to find the accurate release date amid the numerous wrong dates cluttering the web. It’s now very exciting to know the release will soon be upon us and that the film has already had its world premiere in Venice.
I also felt the article did a great job of glorifying Pittsburgh. Hearing of the co-stars positive experiences skating Downtown and eating in the strip district is encouraging and is a reminder that interesting things are happening in our backyard. Moreover, the possibility that the actors could have graced the Bodies Exhibit at the Carnegie Science Center the same day as me is pretty neat to think about.
I love how people in this class fixate on the silliest of the articles and have quite a bit to say about it. As far as the cost of "the glove", it is not something to simply have and put away. While it is a museum worthy piece, I think that it will only increase in value over the years. Sometimes people spend outrageous amounts of money on something because it is unique and people all over the world want it. The buyer may be able to sell it within a few years and make hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit-- a much better investment than stock right now!
I agree with Ms. Rouse about the reading of the Road. Living in Pittsburgh, it is cool to think that a little bit of hollywood is with us.
I have decided that if you post to the blog by the start of class, you will not need to take the quiz.
His glove should have never sold for that much because it is not worth as much unless it was signed. Somebody spending that much on the glove is just like whoever bought the terrible towl for however much that was. What will happen to that glove when whoever bought it dies in maybe 20-30 years nobody really will remember the glove.
I also think it was stupid that someone bought it because all it went for was his money problem I mean it wasn't going to anything good. When I go on the computer and look up prices of things some people are just waisting money on some of the things they buy.
I think the Michael Jackson's glove would of sold for more than $350,000. For as many people that were in love with Michael Jackson I thought that alot more people would have paid more than the price it sold for.
For someone to spend that much money on a glove is pretty outrageous. But i guess if your are a die hard Michael Jackson fan and have alot of money I guess you can. I hope the guy that bought the glove has enough money to protect it from being broken away.
I think that Gary Marshall had a pretty good life. He found success in almost everything he did. For many, almost all of their childhood shows were made by Marshall and that era of television was pretty much made by him. It is crazy that he did that many shows and created that much.
I think that he had a lot of success because he went from being a tap teacher to a writer, director, actor, and comedian. The normal person doesn't obtain one of those things in their life, and he is still doing more.
People are crazy. Why wold you buy Jacksons glove for 350 thousand? I guess they think they can get more for it. What do you do with it? It's just a glove. Do they think they will get tourest to go see it. His family sure made a lot of money of his death. They don't care he died there happy that there makeing a lot of money.
It doesn’t surprise me that Michael Jackson’s famous glove sold for that much money. It does surprise me that someone paid that much money for something that doesn’t have a purpose. I understand that people want some of Michael Jackson’s memorabilia because he is dead but I would get a replica instead; even though they don’t make replicas.
I think that Michael Jackson is a wonderful artist but I would never pay that much even if I was a huge fan of his. I also don’t understand why a resort owner wants the glove it seems kind of random to put Michael Jackson’s rhinestone glove in a shrine at a resort, a museum would be understandable.
After reading the article about the MJ glove I am a little sad. That 350k could have went to better things on this Earth other than to a glove. Not even a pair of gloves just one glove. I am not sure if rhinestones are expensive or not but I do not think that the glove was worth $350000. Imagine if that dude spent the 350k on something else like to feed hungry children I don't think it would have even of made the news.
Shuba! There are people out there would spend millions on a rock that was supposedly touched by jesus, why not buy a glove for 350 thousand haha i mean michael jacksons music was amazing, and his clothing fit the time period but i don't think its worth that much. Now the jacket from beat it? i'd buy that and wear it everyday of my life.
And i'm very pumped to see the road, it is one of the books that i can gladly say i read without having some regret of reading. It was worth the time and that was my kind of story line! Kept my attention the whole time and i'm sure the movie will be just as good or better. MR. CULLEN YOU BETTER GIVE ME POINTS FOR THIS BECAUSE I AM FAILING!!! GRADE THIS! AS SOON AS YOU READ IT!
Thank you
and by the way, Paul, i read your post. I'm disappointed in you. Even though he was a freak in his later years doesn't mean he wasn't the biggest inspiration for pop artists everywhere. He made music what it is today? Just because his music isn't about killing doesn't mean its not good. silly paul haha.
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I am very surprised that MJ's glove only sold for that much. It was, and still is, a very famous icon. $350,000 is not very much in my opinion for this object. I agree that it should be put in a musuem or some type of Hip Hop Music Hall of Fame. MJ was a hero to so many people. His dancing was un believable and that glove was from one of his most famous, if not the most famous, shows of his life.
Secondly, why did people put such low prices on his memorabilia. This is Michael Jackson we're talking about. Only the single most B@d @$$ performer of all time. No one compares to him. His jacket was estimated $8000. That is redonculious.
I was surprised that the glove went for $350,000.00 from michael jackson People hardly never make that much in 10 years let alone for ONE GLOVE. What kind of person would waste that money on a glove. If i had that extra money laying around i would do something useful with it or donate it. But in a way when that person dies or goes to sell it someday im sure the price will go up and up as the years go on.
I just find this whole think crazy because if i had that tupe of money i would never waste it on something like that. It is just obserd.
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