This week we will be talking about children's television focusing on Sesame Street. Mr. Rogers and other shows from the 1960s and 1970s. Here is an excellent article from USA Today about Sesame Street celebrating its 40th Anniversary.
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The sesame street blog, was pretty interesting. It being it's 40th anniversary is crazy, and I would have never thought it was running for so long. I thought it was funny that Michelle Obama is being a guest on the show on Tuesday, because it's kind of random having the first lady there.
Having 122 Emmy awards is pretty crazy too, and I would have never thought a childrens show would have that many awards. It being adapted with 120 countries is interesting though, because that's so many languages all being summarized with the same morals and activities they have in the show. I dunno it's just weird that so many different nationalities and countries are all watching the same show, but yet they're all different kinds of people.
When I read the article about Sesame Street I learned things that i never would have even thought some of those things were true. I watched that show when I was little but my mother only told me that she watched that show. She never told me that Oscar was orange. That really shocked me when i read that.
I also love how some of the people that worked with the show from the beginning is still either working with the show or on the show. The puppets on the show never change their age. Its funny because everybody relizes that. THis show is a good show for younger kids because it is teaching them to know about everyone.
Seeing is I have never really sat down to watch the sesame street shows, I never got to apreciate it. I never really took thought to the fact that it is world renound, has a lot of Emmy Awards and actually promotes learning. All that makes up for a 40th anniversary celebration that is worth havening. Its almost as good as Godzillas 50th anniversary.
I am just surprised that The show has lasted this long. I mean with they way that kids tastes change all the time. And some of the people who work there surprise me as well, I mean working the same show for all those years would drive me crazy.
40 years of Sesame Street? Thats almost twice as old as me ha. There's going to be a lot of guess stars on the "comback" show. The first lady, Michelle Obama, Cameron Diaz, Jimmy Fallon, and Adam Sandler. Those are quite the guests!
It won a bunch of awards for a kid show. over 100. The cool thing is that unlike many shows... Adults that grew up with the show can still show it to their kids. So the show bassically grows with someone and stays current like the new theme. Same song, but with a hip hop kind of feel. That could be a problem though. I don't think that parents would want a child to get into hip hop too soon, or else they might pick up the DMX record.
It is a huge accomplishment that Sesame Street has managed to remain significant, now reaching forty years. I feel the show honestly strives to educate its viewers and is successful in doing so. Parents being encouraged to watch and interact with their children separates Sesame Street from the countless other children shows that clutter television.
Having guests including Michelle Obama, Billy Joel, and Cameron Diaz in conjunction with takeoffs of popular dramas has been a driving force in Sesame Street’s success. The most notable distinction of Sesame Street is its focus on current social issues. I believe this is a fantastic theme to include in a children’s program and is also an accomplishment in itself to keep these themes at a preschool level.
Wow. Sesame Street has been on for forty years? In today's sociaty that's very long. The show has so many credits and merits. 122 Emmys, shown in over 100 countrys. Thats very good for a television show.
But to be quite honest, as a child I was never a big Sesame Street fan. I was much into like Blues Clues, Barney, and Thomas the Tank
Engine. I never fell in love with Sesame Streen like the millions of others. I still to this day don't know why.
Wow. Sesame Street has been on for forty years? In today's sociaty that's very long. The show has so many credits and merits. 122 Emmys, shown in over 100 countrys. Thats very good for a television show.
But to be quite honest, as a child I was never a big Sesame Street fan. I was much into like Blues Clues, Barney, and Thomas the Tank
Engine. I never fell in love with Sesame Streen like the millions of others. I still to this day don't know why.
I think this article is kind of funny in a sense. Sesame Street has been on for years and still maintains a great image for a childrens TV show. It educates and entertains. The Count was my favorite character.
In todays day and age change is always neccessary. They implimented a science portion which just started two years ago which seems pretty cool. Also having guest stars like the first lady is pretty awesome as well. But the part i find strange is the pregnant character they made and the HIV+ character they made. I find that redonkulous. Yes, redonkulous.
I just posted i hope it worked! i always send two ever since my one didnt go through
I think that is amazing that Sesame Street has remained on TV for so long. I think that the show is great for children at preschool age; it also teaches them the things they learn in preschool. I think it’s pretty cool that Sesame Street has turned itself into a brand, for example selling toys, and clothes. I think that Sesame Street is such a popular show because parents have grown up watching it so they allow their children to watch it.
After looking at the list of guests that are going to appear on this season I think that this will also attract the parents to watch it. I think having Michelle Obama as a guest is a great idea. This helps children better understand the president. This will also attract the parents because people always want to know what the Obama’s are doing.
Sesame Street has been one of the most popular shows for kids for many decades. I used to watch the show when i was little and it was a very good show to teach kids their letters and numbers. They were smart incourperating kids into the show.
This anniversary is a big mark in their show. It has been a popular show for many decades and will continue to be popular. There are many other shows for kids to teach them but i dont think they are as good as Sesame Street. The show i believe will remain on for many years to come and it will continue to be one of the leading kids shows on television.
Its hard to believe that when i was born, sesame street was already 34 years old! So my parents also grew up to the site of sesame street on the television. I think its awesome that it has lasted this long because honestly it was a great show! Along with Mr. Rogers, i was a big fan of shows where you learn things when i was younger. I didn't really like the shows that treated me like a pet. Such as when like on the show a character will ask you a question and they pause to let you answer and there response is like THATS RIGHT! GOOOOD BOY! I didn't like to be talked down on like that, i guess most kids didn't see that aspect of the shows like i did. Sesame street didn't do that and I'm glad to see that it is still around today to keep the kids of america on the "right track"
(I am posting this to get some points)
The sesame street blog is crazy. I cannot believe that it has been on for 40 years! Sesame street to me now is very annoying and I don't think that I ever liked it. It is pretty educational I guess though, adults that watched it as children can now show it to their children.
That many awards for a chilrens show is pretty incredible. Such a popular television show will probably last for another 40 years. After watching clips, I realize that they have updated and modernized the show. Soon, maybe they will make it even more modern like Yo Gabba Gabba. I think they can keep the show running for a really long time.
After 40 long years sesame street has been on and running television programs non stop. For a kids show that is amazing i would never have thought that a show would take off and run for that long and still keep going. After many years Sesame Street has had many guests on it. Including the upcoming first lady Michelle Obama. Even though im posting this article like 2345643 months late.
Reciving 122 Emmy awards is amazing. I would have never thought that a childrens show would be able to recive that many awards. Showing in 120 countries is diffrent because that's so many languages being spoken with the diffrent racial veiws. I just find it wierd because of all the diffrent countries.
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