For this assignment, you will go to the Sesame Street Channel on Youtube and watch at least 5 different clips. These clips range from 45 seconds to several minutes. You will then post the titles of the 5 clips that you watched and write a one paragraph response to one of them.
This assignment will be due Friday (11/13) at 1:00 pm. You can go to the comments section for an example.
1. Feist Sings 1,2,3,4
2. Johnny Cash sings Nasty Dan
3. Twenty Love with Tony Danza
4. Christopher Reeve Talks About his Wheelchair
5. Stevie Wonder with Grover
While I enjoyed watching all of these clips (I had not seen any of them prior to this assignment) the one that really resonates with me is the clip about Christopher Reeve's wheelchair.
At the start of the clip Big Bird says "It has been a while since we have seen you. Something's different-- you have a wheelchair". Christopher Reeve simply responds "I had an accident".
While Christopher Reeve's accident has been made into fodder for comedians and south park writers, his change from famous actor to advocate was something that still resonates with me. Growing up, he WAS Superman-- and for the last 10+ years of his life, he was a public figure, advocating various medical treatments that were in experimental stages.
His presence on Sesame Street seems to be garnering awareness that even though he is confined to a wheelchair, and different from the last time Big Bird saw him, he is still Christopher Reeve and he is making due with his current situation. I am impressed by the strength and conviction he showed in the later years of his life-- proof that he will always be Superman.
1.Chad Pennington: Prepared
2. Ray Charles sings ABC's
3. Cookie Moster sings about C
4.Ben Stiller sings about his neighborhood
5.Kerimit sings about being green
I enjoyed watching all these Sesame Street videos. The one I liked the most was the one where Ben Stiller and a sesame street character sang a song about the people in the neighborhood.
First, is hesitant to sing, but eventually he get's into it. He meets the Mailwoman, the Cable Guy, then he dresses up as a cheese and sings about meeting a cheese in the neighborhood.
1.Google Bugle
2.Cookie Containulator
3.Mrs.Obama Plants Garden
4.Are You Smarter Than an Egg Layer?
5.A’s Anatomy
I never knew Sesame Street hosted so many guests and incorporated so many references to popular shows. Though I liked watching spin offs of the game show “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader” and the popular drama “Grey’s Anatomy”, it was great to see the first lady on the show.
Michelle Obama leaving Pennsylvania Avenue to visit 123 Sesame Street sends a positive message to all citizens under the administration. Sticking with Sesame Streets Green Earth theme, Michelle helps Elmo and his friends grow vegetables while discussing the importance of healthy living. Having Mrs. Obama coach kids about their green earth and how to live a healthful lifestyle underscores the idea that kids are a part of something bigger than their neighborhoods and schools. This thought may help them understand the big concepts of a part of a country and the earth.
1.Cameron Diaz Talks to Grover
2.Sunny Days
4.The Harlem Globtrotters
5.Google Buggle
Some of these were good while others were bad. The one I chose to write about was the Harlem Globtrotters. It was okay because there was two of the guys and they were doing some of their tricks but not all of them. While they were doing the they would freeze and the kid would say what body part they were using. I thought that was preety cool because they do so much they could have a whole show on that. When I went to see them they were really funny but when i saw them on the show they weren't funny at all they were just doing the tricks. I think if they made it more funny then it could of showed the kid that sports can be fun.
1.Nancy Odell-Pollinate
2.Debra Messing-Nature
3.Cameron Diaz-Trees
4. Destiny's Child-Sings A New Way To Walk
5.Paul Rudd-Earth Rocks
After watching these videos I am a fan of alot of these actors and singers. Although I have never heard of Nancy O'Dell. After researching who she was I can't believe I didn't know her. She is an actress, reporter, author, and philantropist. She is a spokesperson for one of my favorite charities, March of Dimes.
I can understand why Sesame Street picked her as a guest for the show. Since she is a mom of three I can see why she was on the show. I think that Sesame Street is a great show for children. After seeing all the changes that Sesame Street has done I think that Sesame Street is still growing and is going to be on TV for many more years.
1. Set Your Piggies Free
2. Martian World
3. Harlem Globetrotters
4. Madrigal Alphabet
5. Exploring Outdoors
I'll be writing about the madrigal alphabet. I think it is a very good way to get down what the letters look like but the pictures that form the letters don't actually start with the letters so it would be kind of pointless to show. Because now there going to think turtle starts with an E haha. Maybe kids aren't stupid enough nowadays to think that turtle starts with an E but when i was younger, i was probably gullible enough.
1. Frankly it's a habit
2. Bert and Ernie Jump
3. Elmos World: The sky active
4. Papermaking class
5. The court's picnic
I liked the Bern and Ernie jump, because it was just plain adorable. It had them all just jumping like mad men. I liked how Ernie was excited about listening to the radio, and it shows like this old fashioned one, and Ernie gets right into jumping but Bert is shy and hesitant.
I liked all of the Sesame Street episodes, because I think it really teaches kids the basics, but is also entertaining and fun.
1: Grover and a Fly in My Soup
2: Milk Crisis
3: Sure Im Gonna Miss You Mr. Hooper
4: Episode 2255 Intro
5: Snuffy Revealed
I enjoyed watching these short episodes because i remember watching the Milk Crises when i was little. It was a good thing to look into the show. I cant believe that it has been on for so long. It is a good show for kids to watch. It is very informational and teaches them manors and many other useful tips. It teaches them things to prepare them for school and how to use things around the house.
1 Ray Charles- Alphabet song
2Johnny Cash- Nasty Dan
3 Arron and nick carter HAH- I like to sing
4 Goo Goo Dolls - Pride
5Natalie Portman- Princes and Eleph
These were pretty fun clips! Although the adam sandler was my favorite one, next to that was the goo go dolls singing pride with elmo. I really like the goo goo dolls. which really made me like the clip!
I thought the carter brothers clip was just funny, because, well, come on. its the carter brothers.
Johnny Cash Sings Nasty Dan
Ernie and his Rubbe
put down the duckie (this ones not on here but its still my favorite)
Cookie Monster Sings C is for Cookie
Elmo's Song
I love the origanal sesame street so I chose all origanal songs. My favorite is put down the duckie. The use of all the people saying put down the duckie is just great. The fact that Pee-Wee Herman is on their just makes me happy becase I love Pee-Wee's Play house as well as his live on stage shows.
1. Nancy Oddell: Pollinate
2. Set Your Piggies Free (Favorite)
3. Wild Nature Survivor Guy (waste)
4. Harlem Globetrotters
5. David Disco Skates
i enjoyed watching theseclips. Nancy Oddell is just simply sexy. Set Your Piggies Free was the most rediculous thing i have ever seen. Haha a bunch of feet. Jimmy is just a d*%@#*. Who does not like the Harlem Globetrotters. But the one that is most entertaining would most definitely be the Disco Skater hahahah so funny
1. In and Out with Barkley
2. Martian World
3. Haunted House
4. Forty Blocks From Home
5. Harry and John John Count 20
My favorite episode out of the five I watched was "In and Out with Barkley". I liked how the dog kept wanting to come in and then go back out and kept barking because my dog is the same way. I also liked how the scene started out like a normal one and then it kind of started into a musical.
(posting late)
1. Johnny Cash
2. Mrs. Obama
3. Harlem Globetrotters
4. Milk Crisis
5. Madrigal Alphabet
The alphabet was pretty interesting. I think that it was a good way to show the letters. It could be a little confusing but it is still a pretty interesting way to learn it for kids.
1. Cookie Monster sings about C
2.Kerimit sings about being green
3.Mrs.Obama Plants Garden
4.Are You Smarter Than an Egg Layer?
My favorite video of all time is when cookie monster sings about the letter C.
I remember watching this for the first time. I had the song stuck in my head for 8 days straight. C is for cookie and that's just wonderful sir.
While this song is entertaining, it still is educational and most children wont realize this till they watch it when they are like 15 years old.
1.Mrs.Obama Plants Garden
2.Chad Pennington: Prepared
3.Kerimit sings about being green
4. Christopher Reeve Talks About his Wheelchair
5.Google Buggle
Thorugh out many years i find it interesting that their have been so many diffrent episodes and guests airing on the show. On one of my personal opinions having Michelle Obama visit the show is extrodinary in diffrents ways. One because many people find it amazing that someone like that would be on their. But in another way im sure many people were POed due to the republican and democratic views.
Im sure that people saw this oppertunity diffrently but thier did not seem to be much contravercy after this episode aired.
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