Here is an article that Mr. Gruber sent me about Xbox Live.
Oprah has a big question to answer...read about it!
The Fantastic Mr. Fox was in limited release this weekend. How involved was Wes Anderson? Find out here. (this is an older article, but worth reading!).
On the xbox360 article, it's kind of just like the deal with limewire and other ipod softwares. People just don't want to pay for things such as games, and songs so they get the easy way out of it.. it kind of sucks for the company but obviously not for the gamer. I don't think there really is a way to stop people downloading things, because theres just too many people who do it to stop.
I think instead of getting the people who download in trouble, they should get the companys who are making these things in trouble. I dunno but to me it doesn't seem like it's a huge deal, people should be worrying about more things than catching people who downloading video games.
I found the article about Xbox live interesting. It amazes me that even though there were devices to prevent piracy of the games, people always seem to find a way to do it anyway. It just goes to show we can never fully prevent digital crime.
I also found that the fact that they are getting cought is also interesting. You would think that the hackers would find a way to not get cought after all that work getting the pirated game. I also bet someone has already found a way around the Xbox live ban so i dont think that is such a good punishment.
I don't think I could be like Wes because I would not put people through that much to make a movie. After hearing how long it takes to film 30 seconds you would think it would take forever because then you would have to add the voices. I haved never heard of this before untilthis movie came out.
I haven't heard of Wes Anderson either. I can't believe that people would do this becuse it doesn't look different from a normal movie. I also don't understand why having a puppet with fur would make someone do a movie. Also how can you be so picky over a jacket for a fox that noone is going to remember after the movie is over.
The x-box article was interesting! I mean, Unlike downloading music and movies and getting away with it. People also can download games.. however they may not have the best of luck getting away with it. There are pirated copies of video games. So in order to stop this. Microsoft stepped up and BANNED X-box live to those who had illegally purchased Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
I think its a smart move. rather than banning just the game, or just a day. the ENTIRE live account is banned. I think its a smart move to teach piraters a lesson. COD is an amazing game.. and is better on PS3 :)
A lot of you are writing about the xbox article. I guess that student found articles may be more interesting than the stuff that i find for you.
Here is my take on the article: I think that if you break the law, you should expect to be punished in some way. You illegally download a game and try to play it in your xbox? I think being banned from XBox Live is a fair and balanced punishment.
I'm VERY surprised it took XBox this long to punish users for pirating games. This pirating thing has been going on for a decently long time and i'm surprised it took Xbox this long.
I think things like this will absolutely make people think twice before pirating a game. Xbox live is a big part of many teenagers lives and I don't think they will want to jepardize it.
I think that the xbox thing is funny the people got what they deserved. I honesty dident think they checked that stuff. That just amazed me, like I download stuff but it's only if its not on dvd. I like having a hard copy of somthing. Just as an exampel before the origanal Transformers was out on dvd I had it downloaded.
The thing with the big O is pretty funny because her show has been on long enough. Her show is getting repetitive and she's pretty anoying. I think its a good thing that she might not renew her contract.
I cant Wait for the Fantastic Mr. Fox
In spite of the puppets, stop action style, and little animals, “Fantastic Mr. Fox” doesn’t strike me as a kid’s movie. While many movies like “Shrek” are trying to win over older audiences as well, the use of dry humor, some mature concepts, and borderline creepy characters seem to have taken this idea a step further. In the trailer Mr. Fox struggles while contemplating existentialism. Not exactly something a kid can relate to.
However, the attention and effort spent on crafting both the background and character puppets are commendable. The movie definitely looks different from other movies, and while different doesn’t always mean better, in this case I’m hoping it will. At the very least, the movie will be visually stunning.
The XBox article is very interesting i didnt realize that there were that many people doing that. It has become a bigger problem than anything really before. Another interesting thing about it is that i did not realize that they actually can find that information out while playing.
Alot of people dont understand what can really be found out while playing that and they dont think they will ever be caught. This article opens the eyes of the people who do this and i think they should make this more aware for more people to think about before they try and find these games and download them illegally.
As an xbox live gamer, i thiink its rather funny that people thought they could get away will piracy. When i was in middle school i also had a modified xbox but i decided the risk of getting in trouble was to much for jsut playin new games a couple weeks early. People being banned from xbox live is nothing compared to what it could be. No fines or anything were issued, if you're caught downloading movies you could get up to a $500,000 fine. I dont know about you but thats a big chunk of change for me.
The new stop motion picture with Wes anderson is going to be gnarly. i loved life aquatic, i laughed the entire movie. When this movie comes out, i will be attending it with my mother because she is in love with Clooney. Ever since Oh Brother Where are Thou she has loved him. It sounds unique and entertaining. Im pumped!
I read the article about the xbox live. I don't have xbox online but i do have playstation 3 and i think that if i have to pay 65 dollars for the game then everyone else should have to as well. I think that these million people that did this should never be allowed to play online agian and maybe Activision should purse legal rights against them to prove a point to people that doing this is illegal and they can be punished for it.
I think microsoft was write for banning players for stolen games. When you do that kind of stuff that is the risk you are takeing. They will never stip downloading so mabey this is the best way yo stip people but in a few weeks someone will write a program that makes the Xbox not be able to tell that is was downloaded. There is a lot of nerds out there that live in there parents basement that have a lot of time to figure it out. It is allways a war with nerds and development companys. When they make a new DRM protection someone will crack it.
I think that Fantastic Mr. Fox will be a good movie. Although this movie is for a young audience the movie is also attracting to an older audience with its humor and voice cast. Some of the voice cast includes Bill Murray, Meryl Streep, and George Clooney. I can see how this movie attracts an older audience than expected.
I think that it’s amazing that the crew spent that much time on just making a scene. It seems like a lot of work but I think this movie will be good. It’s a good movie for all ages. I think people will be drawn to it because it was a book. This tends to draw a larger audience at times. If I get the chance I will definitely see this movie
I think the article about Xbox 360 is very interesting. I can understand why people illegaly downloaded the game to play. There are so many people that illegally download games, music, demos, and movies and get away with it.
The people that hacked into the software have to be very intelligent but also very dumb. I think the penalty is kind of to dramatic because you pay $50 a year to use it and then if you break the rules you get kicked off and they dont give you your money back.
The Xbox thing I think will fall through. The people will find a way around anything. If they can't get their free games, they will get them another way. I don't know that much about video games but from my friends who play, I know that they can be expensive so it doesn't surprise me people are pirating different things. If you can get away with it, why not?
There are alot of different things that have done this. Limewire sites other free music sites are used by a lot of people, poeple just don't want to pay for something that is right at their grasp very easily and for free.
Yes, You used my article and that should be bonus right? But no its not. Thank god i am one of the good kids on xbox live cause otherwise i would have got kicked off with the other million kids. Kids were getting caught for using lag switches, burned games, and modded xboxs. I think kids that do this should be kicked off because i don't want to lose unfairly because when it comes to games i never lose, without a fight of course. I stand for that article completely and i back up xbox's decision to get rid of all the cheaters and hackers.
Oprah having her own network? good for her. Too bad you'll have to pay to see her show now! Thats too bad. Maybe if she flew around the audience on a jetpack and gave away schools (like she already does) she will attract more fans.
Mr. Gruber-
Even though you sent the article a few weeks after I asked, I will throw you some bonus points.
Mr. Cullen
After many years of PIRATING items im supprised that the xbox360 (microsoft) is finally cracking down on it. It kind of stinks for people because many people are getting caught. BUt i think they deserve to be in trouble. But yet again i dont because everyone and stolen something in someway. I just dont think it is that big of a deal because people get away with and and they are going to keep doing it either way. Downloading anything from music to movies to video games.
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