I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of my new students to my blog. The blog is an important part of the class because it allows me to give you relevant and timely information regarding this course.
On each Sunday this semester I will post links to articles, videos or other types of media. You are to read/watch/listen to ALL of the links posted. Our class discussions on Monday will be based around these links.
In addition to completing the above tasks, you will also be required to comment on the week's blog post. This comment must be at least 2 paragraphs and be a response to ONE of the articles. Commenting on each week's post is worth 15 points.
Sometimes I will give quizzes on the blog to make sure that you are reading all of the items that are posted. These quizzes will be more frequent at the start of the semester in order to get you in the habit of reading all of the articles. You will be allowed to use a piece of paper with 20 words on it during the quiz. These quizzes are worth 20 points.
If you send me an article that I end up using on the current week's post, I will give you bonus points.